Carry (Shiratorizawa x reader)

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Izumi-chan: so I saw a post (months ago) on Reon carrying his teammates for some reason and I couldn't resist but to make a oneshot out of it. So here goes



"It's so early in the morning.. why are they so noisy?" I grumbled as I walked towards the gym for the volleyball team on a Saturday morning. As the manager, I need to attend the practices too. Although it's only around 10 am, but it's considered early for me since I usually wake up in the afternoon on the weekends.

Anyways, as I was walking towards the gym, I could hear their voices from the outside. What's causing them to be so excited?

I stopped in front of the gym entrance before sliding it open. "Ah, (Y/n)'s here!" Tendou exclaimed before running towards me and grabbing my wrist. He pulled me towards the group and I stared at the scene happening before me.

"..what is going on here?" I asked as I see Reon carrying Ushijima, and him not struggling at carrying Ushijima despite the captain being bigger than him at all.

what is going on here?" I asked as I see Reon carrying Ushijima, and him not struggling at carrying Ushijima despite the captain being bigger than him at all

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"It all started when Hayato suddenly asked Reon to carry him. Reon did so, and even spun around with him. Then suddenly Ushijima wanted a try too, for some reason." Semi explained.

"Ah, (Y/n)!" Reon called out when he saw me before putting Ushijima down onto the floor

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"Ah, (Y/n)!" Reon called out when he saw me before putting Ushijima down onto the floor. He then walked towards me before greeting "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too, Reon." I greeted with a smile. Ushijima then walked towards us before greeting me as well.

"Ne, (Y/n), do you want to be carried by Reon too?" Tendou suggested as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"A-Ah, no thank you. I'm actually pretty heaVY" I exclaimed at the end as I suddenly got lifted up into the air,bridal style, by muscular arms.

I looked up towards my captor to see that it was Reon smiling down at me. I looked away from him as a blush crept onto my face and I covered it with my hands. "Hey, you're not heavy at all! Compared to the guys, you're as light as a feather!" Reon stated before spinning around, causing me to cling onto his shirt.

"Oh, she is? Let me try." Ushijima asked as he put his hands out. "What?! No!" I denied as I tried to escape Reon's grasp. However, I was too weak..

In the end, I was in Ushijima's arms, covering my face once again. "Oh, she is very light." Ushijima stated as he lifted and dropped me slightly, testing out my weight(?). 'I should have continued sleeping..' I thought as I was slowly became Ushijima's curling(?) exercise..

"Oh? I wanna try too!" I heard Tendou say before being snatched into his arms instead... "Oh!" Tendou exclaimed before doing what Ushijima did. "I want to carry (Y/n)-senpai too!" Goshiki shouted as he raised his hand up high in the air. Semi on the other hand, he tried to make the boys put my down, but failed miserably.

I wasn't let down onto my feet until Coach Washijou entered the gym and shouted at the boys for fooling around instead of doing warm-ups. 'I feel so violated...' was the thought that remained in my head for the rest of the day..


Izumi-chan: i dont know what i wrote too. it was cute in my head but became cringy when i wrote it..

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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