Smile (Nekoma x reader)

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"See you tomorrow, (Y/n)-chan!" my friends said before we split up to go home. I smiled widely at them and waved before turning back to my route home.

As I was further away from them, the smile on my face started to drop and my head started to angle down. Yes, this is me, the true me.

(L/n) (Y/n), one of the 'idols' in school, the one who is known to be nice and cheerful to everyone, is actually hiding behind a mask. This masks hides the sad and depressing background that I have experienced since I was in middle school.

What happened in middle school? Well, to put it short, my mom and I got into an accident, I survived, my mom died, my dad blamed me, he started to drink and now he barely pays attention to me unless he needs something or decides to be abusive, and then we're here. Cliche, I know.

So technically, I've been independent for the past couple of years. It wasn't that long of an experience but I felt that it had made me more mature.

To be honest, after being isolated by my father, I felt like I was not needed anymore in this world. No one really asks me simple questions like "How are you?" or "What is on your mind?". I don't really want to bother my friends with my problems because they seem too happy to be bothered by trivial things like this.

I sighed once I reached the doorstep of my house. I dig out my keys from my (pocket/bag) and unlocked the door before entering it. 

"I'm home.." I muttered since I didn't expect any response in the first place. I placed my shoes on the shoe rack and walked through the living room towards my room.

I saw my father lying on the couch with bottles and cans of beer on the table in front of him, watching a show on the television.

"(Y/n)." my father called without even glancing my way. I hesitantly walked towards him and waited for him to continue.

"Why are we running out of beer? Didn't I tell you to get more last weekend? It's only Tuesday." 《I don't know when they have their training sorry》. 'Actually, I did buy the beer, but it's just that you drank all of it already..' I said in my head as I clenched my fist in annoyance. "I'm sorry father, I must have forgotten to buy it." I said instead so that I wouldn't get hit.

"Of course you would forget, you useless waste of space. You better buy more by the time you come home later from your sl*tty job." father said as he looked away from me.

"Yes, father." I mumbled before going to my room and freshen up. What's this sl*tty job that he mentioned, you wonder. Well, it isn't that bad in my opinion. I work in a maid cafe that's nearby my home. Father won't give me any money since he thinks that it's not worth giving my some, not that he works much anyways. I don't think I've seen him work ever since the accident, to be honest. 

After having a short shower and changing my outfit, I went back outside and headed towards the cafe.

"Good evening, (L/N)!" a colleague greeted when I entered through the staff entrance. I greeted back with a smile before going to my locker and changing into my maid uniform. It was a knee-length maid costume that comes with stockings and the head piece.

"Welcome back, Master!" I greeted to the new group of customers as they entered the cafe. "Oh, a cute one!" I heard someone exclaim from the back of the said group. I ignored the statement and continued on, "How many people are we serving today, Master?" I asked the group. "5 people, cutie." the 'leader' of the group said as he leaned closer to my face.

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