Miss You (Atsumu x reader)

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Izumi: sorry for no updates last week, i suddenly didn't have the mood to write.



Middle school

(Y/n) and her friends were walking by the gym where the volleyball club was training when someone suddenly shouted.

"(L/n) (Y/n)!" Atsumu shouted from the entrance. The group got shocked and stopped to stare at the male. "I like you! Please be my girlfriend!" the female blushed.

Osamu came from the side and said, "What a lame confession." "Shut up!" he retorted with a blush on his face.

Because of the confession, (Y/n) didn't know what to do except for standing there in shock. 'Do..Do I accept the confession? Do I reject it?? Who is he again??' Yes, in fact, (Y/n) didn't really remember the male at all except that they were the "famous twins" in school. "Uh... Uhm.." she really didn't know what to say.

Instead, her friends helped her by nudging her towards the male. "Eh?!" she exclaimed. She ended up getting nudged to the gym entrance with the twins in front of her while her friends were behind her.

"Uh, Miya-san, right?" (Y/n) said. "Yep!" he replied.

(Y/n) hesitated. "Uhm, can we at least get to know each other better first?" she suggested and it made Atsumu's eye sparkle. "Like a date??" he asked with hope. "Y-Yes?"

If it was even more possible, Atsumu sparkled even more.



The two ended up going on a typical first date, to the movies before going out for some food. (Y/n) had more fun than she had thought she would. Despite it being his first relationship, it wasn't that bad of a date. He tried to not be too awkward but couldn't help the stutters and blushes whenever the (h/c) would smile at him.

It didn't take long for the two to get together too, seeing how close they were after that date. Atsumu would come talk to her whenever he had the chance before class started, during break, after school, or even when he was going to the toilet.

However, it didn't take them that long to break up too..

"(Y/n).." Atsumu said before letting out a sigh, "I'm sorry but, I won't be a good boyfriend. So..." he stopped again. "I hope you are able to find someone better."

He had explained to his girlfriend, or ex-girlfriend, that he was planning to focus a lot on volleyball, he wanted to make it a passion, but he didn't want to push (Y/n) aside for it. Both are important to him, and he didn't want to discard either of them, but he knew he had to.

He loves (Y/n), he really does, but he doesn't want (Y/n) to feel forgotten, to feel like he doesn't need her anymore. Trust me, he needs her a lot.

(Yn) just looked at her boyfriend with a weary look and a sad smile. "Okay, Atsumu. I will." she said before giving him one last affectionate hug.

Years later.. @ Inarizaki High

"Hey, 'Tsumu, look who's there." Osamu said in a teasing tone as he pointed to a familiar figure in the stands, wearing a (cheerleader/band) outfit. (H/l) (h/c) hair, (your-height), it was (Y/n)! She also managed to get into Inarizaki HIgh along with the Miya twins and Ojiro and joined the (cheerleading/band) club.

Atsumu blushed at your figure in your uniform. 'So cute..' he couldn't help but think that.

After all these years, the now blonde still had feelings for you and his twin took this opportunity to annoy and tease him about it. They ended up fighting about it, but not as chaotic as they always did since they were in a public stadium.

"C'mon, aren't you going to talk to her?" Osamu teased again. Atsumu was actually thinking about it. "Do it before she gives her number away." They looked to where (Y/n) was to see someone talking to her. It was obvious that (Y/n) was feeling uncomfortable with how close the person was as she tried to back up, but they just kept getting closer.

Seeing that, the blonde quickly made his way from the court to stands. They still had some more time before warm ups anyways. "Hey! Leave her alone!" Atsumu shouted when he finally got to the stands. He managed to get the other spectator's attention too, but his focus was all on getting the stranger away. "She's clearly uncomfortable. Go away."

The person clearly wanted to argue with him, but seeing how many people were around and were especially supporters of the man in front of them, he sensed defeat.

The person grumbled before leaving.

"Thanks, 'Tsumu." The (h/c)-ette thanked him. Before he could say anything back, he heard Osamu shouting at him. "Do it, 'Tsumu!" with Suna beside him already recording it. Of course the middle blocker would know, he hangs out with the twins.

Now with a red faced Atsumu, (Y/n) was confused. "(Y/n).." he said and the said girl was listening. "C-Can.. Can we get back together? I can do it now. I can take care of you now."

(Y/n) just stared at him, making him nervous.

Suddenly she punched him gently on the arm, startling him, before hugging him. "Of course, I've been waiting for you this entire time. I miss you, 'Tsumu."


Izumi: i spent 3 hours staying in bed to read fanfictions instead of writing them shitalskdjflkasdfkjsahdfiuhsadfasdhf

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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