Comforting Reader (Nekoma)

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Izumi: have you ever cried yourself to sleep? No? Anyways, this oneshot is probably made for you


SCENARIO: (Y/n) is upset at night, and [character] decides to comfort them

(Y/n) is gender-neutral (so inform me if i accidentally use a he/him or she/her pronoun ty)

in most scenarios you are living together. and not all relationships are romantic, it can be platonic too.


- "Sniffle, sniffle.."

Kuroo heard your sniffles from behind him on the bed. His back was turned towards you, so he hadn't noticed when you broke down until he heard you.

"Can't sleep?" he turned around to face you and propped his head up with his arm.

- Not wanting to actually talk, you just hummed in response.

- he wouldn't ask what you wanted to do, instead he would say, "How may I help you, (N/n)? Would you like Kuroo Services to, listen to you talk about it, give you a hug, get you some food, or sing you a lullaby?"

- Hopefully you cheer up a bit from his jokes and accept at least one of his "services".


- "Nobu..Nobu..wake up..?" "Hm?"

- you actually didn't know if you wanted to wake the man up, since it was past midnight and Kai had been busy for most of the day.

- you were expecting him to stay asleep, not that you would mind anyways and also because you regretted your decision the second you shook him

- "" you actually didn't know what to ask from him. You just wanted some company.

- so instead of coming up with something to say, you scooted closer to him, pulled his arm up, and got comfortable in between his body and arm

- he seemed to understand your intentions as he wrapped his arm around you, maybe even caressed your arm/side lovingly too without questioning anything


- "Something keeping you up?" "!!"

- you turned away from the window and looked towards Yaku who was lying on the bed. You couldn't sleep, so instead you decided to sit by the window and look at the night sky through the window. You were sure to leave the bed without disrupting his sleep though..

- whether you would want to talk about it or not, Yaku would take a seat beside you, with the blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and sit close to you.

- he might wrap the blanket around you while looking at the night sky together

- might rest his head on your shoulder too

- ...might cuddle




Tora, you awake?

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