Brother (Brother!Bokuto x reader)

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Izumi-chan: ITS NOT INCEST. please stop commenting that it is. i'd appreciate that. thank you.

it was funny in the beginning but it honestly just got annoying afterwards.

' 《》' means my, the author's, comments.

(f/n)- friend name
(n/n)- nickname



"Nii-chan, give it back!" You shouted at your one year older brother as you chased him around the house. Your brother, Bokuto Kotaro, took your phone away while you were reading (favourite-anime) fanfictions. Kotaro just continued laughing while running away from you.

You see, this is a typical situation in the Bokuto household, where you are chasing and shouting at your brother who just laughs and runs away from you. He would do the same to you in school too.


You were talking to your friend, (f/n), about your guys' test scores while showing each other the marks. As you were talking, you didn't notice your brother sneaking up behind you. The next moment, your test paper was snatched out of your hands and into another.

You turned around immediately and saw the white and black haired man staring at your test. "Since when did you become so smart, (n/n)?" He questioned as he looked at the red ink that states that you got an 80% on the subject.

You tried to get back the paper, but failed to do so due to Bokuto being taller than you and outstretching his hand above his head to make it even more impossible. "Onii-channn!!" You shouted at your brother as you continued trying to get back your paper. Meanwhile, Akaashi and (f/n) were just standing by the side, sweatdropping.

However, he can be a nice person too.

It was currently your birthday, but sadly, you still had to go to school. For the first time, your brother had left for school earlier than you. You had thought that something weird was going on but thought otherwise. It wasn't bad when arriving to school as you received tons of 'Happy Birthday' wishes and presents from your friends. You even got a confession letter in your shoe locker.

After the last period, you headed to the designated location for your club activity with (f/n) beside you. As you were walking, you did not notice a member of the boys volleyball club watching your movements as he messaged someone.


Club activities were over and you and the other club members were cleaning up the room. Suddenly, you heard a knock on the door and it opened to reveal the teacher in-charge. "(L/n), I need to talk to you for a moment." S/He said as s/he called you out. Being the captain of the club, you had to help out with some upcoming events.

When you came back to the room to take your bag, all the lights were off and it was quiet. "I guess everyone has already left." you muttered quietly to yourself. You outstretched your arm to on the lights and then,


You jumped back at the sudden exclamation by your club members and friends. When you recovered from your shock and looked around the room, you saw multiple decorations on the walls. But what caught your attention, was the giant present in the middle of the room, it was twice of your height and was decorated with multiple colours, especially (f/c).

(F/n) led you towards the present and told you to stand a distance away from it. When (f/n) walked away, the present opened to show your brother standing in the middle, with a/an (favourite-pet). "Happy birthday, (n/n)." Bokuto said with his signature smirk.

You ran towards Bokuto and glomped onto him, careful to not hurt the animal in his arms. You two ended up on the ground with the new pet safe, somehow. Bokuto placed the animal on the ground and lifted you off of his chest. He noticed that you had tears in your eyes. "(N/n)? Why are you crying??" He asked with slight panic in his voice.

You didn't answer him for a few seconds as you sobbed. "T-Thank you, Kou-nii." you managed to say while still crying with happiness. Bokuto petted your head while saying "Anything for you, (n/n)."


Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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