Stolen (Kageyama x reader)

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Requested By: kageyamsmilk


(r/n) - random name (preferably a girl's/last name)



"Tobio!" (Y/n) called as she skipped towards the setter who just exited his classroom. "Do you want to eat lunch together?" she held up a cute bento that she brought from home.

"Ah, sorry, (Y/n). (r/n)-san wanted to talk to me about the project." Kageyama apologized. "Ah.. okay then. See you later!" (Y/n) disappointedly as she watched her boyfriend's figure walk away. His class just started a project between pairs. They could have chosen the partners, but based on Kageyama's words, (r/n) approached him first and asked if he wanted to be her partner.

He didn't have anything against her so he accepted the offer. (Y/n) didn't mind that he was partnered with a girl, but she was bothered by how flirtatous she was towards her boyfriend.

The (h/c)-ette noticed, but her lover did not. He really us thought of her as a project partner. Although Kageyama didn't do anything bad towards (r/n) to make (Y/n) bothered, she couldn't help but to feel... jealous?

'The way that she clings onto Tobio, and he doesn't even notice it!' (Y/n) grumbled in her head as she walked back to her classroom. Her friends were eating lunch in the cafeteria, but she was too lazy and sad to join them.

"Oh? Did the King reject you?" Tsukishima taunted as he saw the (h/c)-ette enter the classroom. "Shut up, Tsukishima.." (Y/n) didn't even have that much energy to argue with the blonde.

She sat in her seat, which was coincidentally right beside where the two best friends were eating, placed her bento on the table, and rested her head on the table. She was so upset that she didn't have the appetite to eat anymore.

"You have to eat, (L/n). If not, you won't have enough energy to listen in class later." Yamaguchi said. "I already don't have the energy right now." (Y/n) muttered.

"Then eat!"

"Feed me then!"

"Kageyama will kill me!"

"Then let me rot in peace."


Since the day (Y/n) has been dating Kageyama, she would visit him during their practice. Today wasn't any different.

She entered the gym after finishing her cleaning duties. She looked around to see everyone, but the one she was looking for, practicing.

Confused, she looked through the members again, but still no sign of him!

"Ah, (L/n), are you looking for Kageyama?" Daichi asked when he noticed the lost-looking girl. She nodded.

"He was pulled away by someone. They said they need to spend time doing a project. She made it sound urgent, so Coach let Kageyama skip today's practice." he explained. "Oh.." (Y/n) was once again disappointed that her boyfriend got stolen. "Okay... Thank you, Sawamura-san." she said before leaving the gym and heading straight home.

==N E X T / D A Y==

For once, Kageyama was waiting outside of 1-5, waiting for (Y/n). His class got released earlier and he was waiting for (Y/n) to go home with him. After waiting for about 5 minutes, the students started to leave the classroom.

Seeing the familiar (h/l) (h/c) hair exiting the classroom, he called out to the person. "(Y/n)," she turned to see him looking at her. "let's go home together." he said. Instead of expecting an "okay" and a smile, she just stared at him coldly before turning and walking towards the other direction with her friends.

Kageyama was shocked. 'Did I do something wrong?'

"Arara, did the King get rejected by his girlfriend?" Tsukishima teased when he walked towards Kageyama, who was still standing outside his class alone looking confused. He saw the short interaction they had from inside the class. Yamaguchi snickered.

Kageyama said nothing but just stared at them for answers. Since they were in the same class, they would know why (Y/n) is acting this way, right?

"Are you really that dumb, King?" Tsukishima asked. "Oh, wait, yes you are." Kageyama stayed silent.

"Sigh" Tsukishima sighed when the setter still didn't understand. Yamaguchi decided he would tell him instead. "(L/n)'s upset since you haven't been spending time with her." he said.

Kageyama's eyes widened in realization. He thanked Yamaguchi before running after (Y/n). He had to dodge and avoid the other schoolmates who were also walking towards the gates. Thankfully when he ran past the gate, he spotted (Y/n) who wasn't that far from the school. "(Y/n)! He shouted. He saw her flinch but she didn't stop walking.

"(Y/n)!" he called for her again when he finally caught up and grabbed her arm. She didn't bother to turn to look at him.

"I'm sorry." he said. (Y/n) still didn't turn.

"I'm sorry for not spending time with you." he said. (Y/n) still didn't turn around.

It took Kageyama some thinking, but he got there. "(L/n) (Y/n), I am sorry for spending time with (r/n) for our project instead of spending some time with you too." she finally turned around. "Are you really?" she asked with a pout and furrowed eyebrows. He nodded.

"Hmph, well I forgive you for now. But don't do that again!" she scolded before continuing walking her way home. It doesn't seem like it, but Kageyama was delighted to have his girlfriend not giving him the silent treatment anymore, although it only lasted for a few minutes. 

He quickly caught up to her and took her hand in his, intertwining it. "I won't." he said and that caused (Y/n) to give a smile.


Izumi: i feel like everytime i write a oneshot, i will zone out 70% of the time but still be able to write what my brain thinks of. does that make sense

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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