Initiate (Sakusa x gn!reader)

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Izumi: i suddenly got the mood to try gender neutral reader so im sorry if i accidentally used she/her pronouns! Please point them out if i used it here because im dummy



Sakusa? Letting someone be physically close to him? Having a lover

Everyone on the team was shocked when they saw their germ-hating Ace hugging someone and letting the said someone kiss them. 

"H-Hey, Komori, who's that with Sakusa?" a teammate asked their libero. "Ah, that's (L/n) (Y/n). They're Sakusa's lover." he explained and the team got shocked. "H-How? When??" "Sakusa has a lover?"

"Ah, (L/n) is a classmate and they've been together for about a month." The team continued staring at the libero before moving their attention to the couple who was still focusing on each other. 

They saw (Y/n) cupping Sakusa's face before bringing it closer to give him a peck on the forehead.

They then moved their attention back to the libero for a longer explanation. "Ah. All I heard from him was that they got paired up at one point for an assignment and he liked them."

"So Sakusa confessed?"


The team just accepted the answer, for now.


A couple of weeks passed and the team has seen (Y/n)'s presence more often. They managed to interact with the team and even formed some friendships.

Some even asked how they got together with their Ace.

"We got paired up for an assignment and to be honest, I don't know what I did to get him to like me." (Y/n) answered. "But a few days after we finished the assignment, he confessed that he likes me. So we just started dating since then."

Sakusa is a mysterious man.


One time before practice began, the said Ace was busy doing his warm-up and stretches when he heard his teammates not-so-quietly talk about him.

"Are you sure they're really dating? I've never seen him do anything lovey-dovey to them, only (Y/n) was doing it." one of them said. "Do you think they'll leave him?"

At that statement, Sakusa began to panic at the thought of (Y/n) leaving him for another person.

He quickly went back into the locker room, took out his phone from his locker and messaged his lover.


Meet me later after practice. Wait for me at the front gate.


He then placed his phone back in the locker and went back to the court without waiting for an answer.

Through the duration of practice, Sakusa felt nervous. He couldn't stop thinking about the possibility of his partner leaving him. Just because he doesn't show it in public, doesn't mean that he doesn't do it at all. 

In fact, Sakusa actually becomes more affectionate when no one is around, but still not as much. He's just not all for PDA (public display of affection) nor being very affectionate. But he doesn't mind receiving it from the right person though.


Once training was done, the black-haired male quickly cleaned up and left the gym in a hurry with his team looking questioningly at him.

Walking as fast as he can to the front gate, he sees (Y/n) patiently waiting for him. Hearing the rushed footsteps, the (h/c-ette) looked towards the noise.

"Kiyoomi!" their face lightened up. "So what did you want to tal-" they were cut off when hands cupped their cheeks and a kiss was brought to their own.

After a few seconds, they parted for air. Sakusa looked at his partner and could see the faint blush under the sunset. "W-What was that for??"

Sakusa didn't even answer as he just smirked and pulled them out the school, towards their homes.


Izumi: writing this on valentine's day to remind myself im single ✌😗 then i remembered my last relationship was kinda scary so im fine being single for now ✌🤪

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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