Looks (Kindaichi x reader)

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Izumi-chan: guys honestly i didnt know what i was thinking when i was writing this so dont bash me thx

'《》' means my, the author's, comments.



Today is the day of your 1 year anniversary with Kindaichi. You woke up early for once just for this day.

You decided to wear a dress of your favourite colour and did your hair into a (hairstyle).

Kindaichi had planned to go to your favourite cafe for this special day. "Ready?" Kindachi asked as he opened the door to your room.

You looked at him with excitement clearly shown on your face as you nodded with a smile. "Let's go!" You exclaimed as you grabbed his hand and proceeded to walk towards the front door.


"(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Are you listening?" Kindaichi tried to call out to you as you were looking out the window while resting your head on your hand.

"I'm sorry?" you asked as you turned back to him. Kindaichi immediately sighed after your response.

"Nevermind.." He answered while mentally facepalming. "I'm sorry.. I got distracted..." (Y/n) answered while looking down in shame.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it." Kindaichi assured. An awkward silence then filled the air between you two. "By the way," Kindaichi started as you looked towards him.

"what were you staring at?" Your reaction caused him to raise an eyebrow on his confused face. You had looked away from him with a bright red face.

"(Y/n)?" He asked once again. "P-Promise not to be mad at me?" you asked, still avoiding eye contact. "Sure?" Kindaichi responded.

It took you a few seconds to answer him. "W-Well, there was this one guy playing basketball shirtless with his friends, and.. he was, you know.."

You paused to look at Yutaro. "...hot.." Kindaichi then deadpanned from what he had just heard. "Excuse me?" He questioned while slightly tilting his head to the side.

"He was handsome and well-built." You answered. Once again, an awkward silence filled the air. "Ah..I see." Kindaichi said.


It was already around evening when you guys decided to go home after spending time together.

You guys were chatting away, when suddenly Kindaichi brought up the topic about what happened earlier in the day.

"Ne, (Y/n). If that basketball guy from just now was handsome," he looked at you before continuing, " then what am i?"

You then pondered over the thought for awhile before answering with a smile. "Well, you are my boyfriend!"

Before Kindaichi could say anything, you continued. "It doesn't matter how you look like."

"Either way, you'll still be my boyfriend, and that's all that matters." You said with a smile.

Kindaichi was kinda taken aback by your words. But nonetheless, grateful. He smiled back at you while grabbing you hand, interlocking it.

"If you say so, (Y/n)-chan." He said as you two walked together, hand in hand, under the stars.


Izumi-chan: Wattpad is messing up my stories T^T

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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