Schweiden Adlers (Adlers x reader)

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"Everyone, meet (L/n) (Y/n). She'll be joining us starting today as the new manager. Please treat her kindly." Schweiden Adler's coach, Suzaku Banjo, introduced the new member of the team to the players.

"Nice to meet all of you." (Y/n) bowed to the team and stood back upright. "Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself, (L/n)-san?" Coach Suzaku insisted and the (h/c)-ette flinched. "Eh, uh.. What do you want to know about?" "Anything!" 'Anything??'

While (Y/n) spent the time thinking about which part of her life she should tell, Hoshiumi decided to help her out. "She used to be the manager for my school!" "Uh, yeah!"

"We used to be in the same class!" "Yeah!"

"She's the best manager ever in Kamomedai!" "Yeah..?"

"She's dating my younger brother." "Eh?!"

"Fukuro-san don't say that!" Hirugami Fukuro chuckled as (Y/n) was blushing hard. It was in fact true that (Y/n) was currently dating the captain's little brother and that was how she decided that she would become the team's manager.

Fukuro was talking about his team during dinner when she was over that night. Fukuro pitched the idea about their team having her as a manager and she considered the idea since she didn't have a job yet. Sachiro didn't mind the idea since he trusted his brother in keeping his girlfriend safe from any dangerous male present, not that he was referring to the Schweiden Adlers.

Lo and behold, here she was standing with the said team a couple of weeks later.


"(L/n)-san, how is it being the Scweiden Adlers' manager?"

"(L/n)-san, do you think Schweiden Adlers are going to win in today's match?"

"Who is Hoshiumi Korai and Hirugami Fukuro to you?"

It was only a month after her debut as the manager of the Schweiden Adlers' and she managed to attract a lot of attention from the media. Besides knowing that she was the manager, people also wanted to know more about the (h/c-ette), such as wanting to know her social media, relationship status, and maybe some of her past too.

But what caught their attention the most was that why was the female very well acquainted with the Captain and the Little Giant?

"Please..I just want to do my job.." (Y/n) tried to tell the interviewers but of course they wouldn't listen to her pleas.

She was simply collecting the bentos the coaches helped to order for the team at the stadium entrance when the reporters decided it was the right time for them to interview her and block her from her path.




"(Y/n)." A large figure got in between them and looked down at her. Ushijima noticed how long the (h/c-ette) was taking to come back to them so they decided to search for her. "Are you okay?"

Ushijima was the first one to find her in the sea of reporters and interviewers and pushed everyone away to get to her after sending a quick text to the team's group chat.

"Ah, Wakatoshi. No.. I'm not okay.." she sweatdrop at the predicament they were in as the reporters' attention immediately went towards the Wing spiker.

"(Y/n)!" Hoshiumi finally arrived at the scene and squeezed through to get to his friend. "Get back! Everyone, get back!"

Not expecting him to shout, the reporters had suddenly gone quiet and stepped back in fear.

"Hoshiumi, calm down." Fukuro finally came with the other members behind him. He then looked at the reporters. "We'll be going now."

Without waiting for any response, he led the team back to their waiting room with their manager in hand, who was ignorant to their glares.


Izumi: "get back! everyone get back! 🤺🤺🤺🤺"

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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