Comfort (Tanaka x reader)

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Requested By: Natalie_IsBored

Izumi: honestly just read my "when reader is stressed" to see how tanaka would comfort you when youre not doing well mentally LOL but this is fine too

Also, i just realized it said "negative thoughts" but honestly i cant think of any good ones because apparently the most recent "negative thought" i had was about my grades and s h i t t y group leader. So i hope this is acceptable. I would have asked you but i am rushing this the day before the publish date ajhajhahjahjkhaa you can tell me to do another one if you dont like this one !!!



"(L/n)-san, your grade for my lesson has been dropping. Are you doing fine at home?"

(Y/n) looked away to avoid eye contact with the teacher.

"Well, you better work harder, okay? Ask questions if you don't understand what's being taught in class." The teacher sighed. (Y/n) just nodded in response.

"See you next lesson, (L/n)-san. Work harder, okay?" the teacher said before leaving the girl alone in the classroom.

(Y/n) couldn't handle it anymore and began to cry. 'I know my grades are dropping. I know I'm doing bad this term. But I just can't-' she stopped her thought when she heard rapid footsteps coming to her classroom.

She quickly wiped away her tears and waited for the person to enter the classroom. She recognized those rapid footsteps.

The classroom door slammed open. "(Y/n)! Let's go home now!" Tanaka exclaimed before entering the classroom. Every Friday, the two would go to either one's house and stay overnight there. Sometimes, it would be movie night, study night, or even just a chill night where they just cuddle and talk about life together.

"Oh! Actually, can we stop by the convenience store first? I want some snacks before we go to my place."

"Mm, sure." (Y/n) said a bit softly.

Tanaka raised an eyebrow at his girlfriend's odd behaviour.

At the Tanaka household... {i don't remember the layout}

Currently, the two are sitting on the floor by the short table in front of the TV with the snacks laid out on the table.

The entire way home, (Y/n) was quiet, more quiet than usual. Normally, she would be joking around with Tanaka, but this time, there was just an awkward silence between them. Tanaka tried to start conversations with her, but he only received short answers. He quickly gave up when he sensed that she didn't want to talk.

"Hey, (Y/n)." Tanaka called. "Hm?"

"Did something happen?" he asked as he looked at her with concern. "You're more quiet than usual. You can talk to me about it, you know?"

(Y/n)'s expression got more gloomy. "I-If you want to!" Tanaka panicked when he saw he just made the situation possibly worse.

"No.. no it's fine." (Y/n) reassured. "I.. I can tell you."

(Y/n) then began on how she's just feeling very pressured with school. Her groupmate has been hard on her for the past few weeks and she wasn't able to focus on her other subjects since her groupmate doesn't accept anything lesser than an 'A' grade for the project.

Somewhere during the storytelling, (Y/n) cried. She couldn't hold in her tears and just let it flow down her face as she expressed her feelings and thoughts.

Tanaka looked at her with worry. He didn't like to see his girlfriend cry. While she was still letting out her emotions, Tanaka just rubbed her back to comfort her since he didn't want to interrupt her.

When (Y/n) had finished telling him, her crying reduced to sniffles with the occasional sobs. She accepted the tissues handed by Tanaka to wipe her tears and snot.

"Feelin' better?" Tanaka asked.


"Well then." Tanaka said before pulling (Y/n) up and bringing her to the couch. He then sat down before pulling her into a hug and soon a cuddle position.

"Lets rest a bit before we start our movie night, yeah?" he asked as his grip around his girlfriend tighted. (Y/n) let out a giggle, "Aye aye captain."

==O M A K E==

"I'm home!" Saeko exclaimed when she entered her home.

She got confused when she received no response. 'Is no one home? Why are the lights on?'

She took off her shoes and walked further into her home. "Ryu? (N/N)?" she called.

She reached the living room to see the both of them sleeping in each other's arms on the couch.

"Aww." she awed at the cute moment that was happening in front of her.

As quiet as she could, she moved closer to the couch to not wake them up.

She took out her phone before snapping a photo of them.


Izumi: yes i read the manga

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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