Volleyball (Ushijima x reader)

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Izumi-chan: '《》' means my, the author's, comments.



I looked around in the gym, seeing my classmates and students from another class either chatting with one another or just standing around, waiting for the teacher. We were all wearing our white t-shirts and shorts because we are having physical education at this time.

"Everyone, gather around!" the teacher shouted across the gym, signaling all the students to walk towards him. "Today, you'll be playing a sport of your choice either in this gym or in the field. Be back here before the bell rings."

All of us then proceeded to get the equipment for the sport we wish to play. I chose volleyball because of my famous classmate and crush, Ushijima Wakatoshi. Seeing him spike the ball through the blocks in front of him made me mesmerized by his skills, and soon gained interest.

Fortunately, only a small group of 16 people decided to play the sport, including Ushijima. Each team consists of 8 players, most beginners and Ushijima is the only professional player on the court. 《We excluded the net to make it easierr

Halfway during the game, two girls from my class decided to dance and sing a well-known Korean song in the middle of the court.

I got annoyed at their actions as for the whole time we've been playing, they barely hit or even touch the ball as they keep running away from it.

I finally lost my patience of dealing with their nuisance and was about to shout at them to leave but instead I got interrupted by a deep voice.

"If you two rather dance and sing than play volleyball, I'd rather have you stay out of court." Ushijima's voice boomed throughout the court. I noticed everyone else was frozen stiff, including me, due to the Volleyball captain's strictness.

The two girls then quickly made their way out of the gym in fear. After they exited, Ushijima calls out "Alright, let's continue playing." And proceeds to take his position.

Since it was an unofficial 'match', Ushijima didn't put much force in his spiking like he usually does during the competitions. Apparently I was setter of the team and managed to set nicely towards anyone who was spiking.

However, whenever I failed at a particular time, like receiving, Ushijima would kindly give me tips on how to perfect it. He would even so called back hug me to show how my body should be positioned!

A red tint would always appear on my face whenever I feel his broad chest against my back and his large and muscular arms envelope around my small frame. After he finished teaching me, his warmth would leave me and I will be welcomed into the cold world.

"(Y/n), watch out!" I heard someone called out before I felt a strong force pushing on my forehead, causing me to fall backwards. I heard the people around me call out my name and footsteps heading in my direction.

I opened my eyes which I didn't notice were closed in the first place and saw everyone who was present in the gym surround my figure. "(L/n), are you alright?" Ushijima asked as he gently pulled me upwards.

The tears that were swelled in my eyes flowed down my face as I rubbed the sore spot on my forehead. I tried to stand on my own but my legs didn't wish to cooperate.

If it weren't for the arm that had caught me, I would have gotten another injury. I looked up to see my savior to be Ushijima once again.

"Everyone, continue doing what you were doing before!" Sensei instructed them before turning towards the both of us. "Ushijima-san, can you please send (L/n)-san to the infirmary?"

Ushijima nodded towards the teacher and looked at me afterwards. "Can you walk fine?" He asked with a voice laced with care.

"I-I think so.." I muttered as I barely managed to stand still on my two feet. "Come on, let's go." Ushijima said as he led me to the infirmary while staying by my side.

The walk to the infirmary was quiet, neither of us said anything and the corridors were empty. From time to time, he keeps glancing at me and when I caught his glance, he would immediately look back to the front.

When we finally arrive at the infirmary, it was empty. The nurse was probably out, eating lunch or so. Ushijima volunteered to help me lessen the bruise. 《is that the correct word for it?》

"There, all better?" He asked me. "Kinda.." I answered as I looked into his eyes. Ushijima just stood there, probably thinking of something.

A second later, my body froze and my eyes widened as I felt his lips on my forehead. "How about now?" He asked again.

I didn't answer him as I was still shock on what had happened. "W-W-Why did you do t-that??" I stuttered as I looked at him. He stared deeply into my eyes and said with a straight face.

"I like you, (L/n)" Once again, I was shock. Before I could ask why, he continued. "You're not like the other girls who don't focus on the game. I can sense the determination from you when you do things, especially volleyball. You've caught my attention, "

I blushed at his words as he said that I had caught his attention, like he does to me. He, thinking that I had rejected him, was about to exit the infirmary until I had grabbed his wrist.

He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at me. "I, I like you too, Ushijima-kun." I hesitated, looking at the floor as if it had caught my attention. What I didn't expect for him to do is to grab my face in his two large hands and brought his face closer to mine.

His lips stretched into a small smile and parted to say "I'm glad."

Izumi-chan: Would you believe me if I said that I wrote some of these parts half asleep?

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! :

- boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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