Staring (Futakuchi x reader)

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Izumi: i wanted to write 3 oneshots this week but on sunday i got distracted with minecraft and the new mangas i bought.


(F/n) is gender neutral.



"(Y/n). (Y/n). (Y/n)!" (F/n) nudged their friend by the shoulder. "Huh? What?" the (h/c)-ette responded confusedly. "You were staring again.." (F/n) explained, causing their friend to blush.

For some reason, (Y/n) had a sudden attraction towards their schools' Boys' Volleyball Team's current captain, Futakuchi Kenji, since a few days ago. She just so happened to see him during gym class at one point and she couldn't stop looking at him ever since. He was just so...attractive?

She told (F/n) about it, probably either the best or worst choice she made because (F/n) helps (Y/n) with her boy problems, but at the same time teases her about it at any chance given.

For example, if Futakuchi was standing nearby them, (F/n) would either react with either like:

a) "Hey (Y/n), he's right there~ Aren't you going to say hello?"


b) "Okay, don't turn around. He's right there."

One time during situation (b), when (Y/n) turned around anyways despite the warning, Futakuchi caught her gaze and winked at her, causing her to immediately turn back around before he could see her reddened face.

"You should stop staring at him, he's not that attractive." (F/n) said as they sighed at their friend's actions. "Of course you don't think he's attractive, you're not attracted to guys." (Y/n) pointed out.


{i think i got it wrong but let's just assume its right in this context}


'Ugh, what's taking them so long in the toilet?' (Y/n) groaned as she was waiting for her friend in the hallway.

They were on their way out of school after staying back in school for an hour when (F/n) suddenly had to go to the toilet.

"Why didn't you go before?"

"Geez, sorry I can't control my bowels I guess." (F/n) retorted before rushing into the toilet.

So now, she was leaning against the wall outside of the toilet. While scrolling through her phone, she didn't notice the volleyball captain wandering through the same hallway.

"Oh? If it isn't my secret admirer." Futakuchi said as he walked towards the (h/c)-ette. (Y/n) glanced up to see who it was but immediately looked back down to avoid his gaze.

"Oi." she ignored him, pretending that she didn't hear him although he was near her and no one else was in the hallway.

"Oi." he smacked his hand onto the wall beside her head and stood a mere arms length in front of her. "I'm talking to you." his tone got more intimidating as he stared her down.

(Y/n), feeling intimidated, slowly looked up from her phone and into the brown eyes of the male in front of her.

"..Yes?" she asked timidly. Futakuchi's stare got more intense. "So why do you keep looking at me?" the girl got more nervous. "Did you want to fight or something?" "N-No!" she stuttered. Futakuchi got shocked at the outburst.

"I-It's just that I-!" she cut herself off before she exposed her small "crush" on him. " "that I" what?" he repeated.

She stayed silent for a few seconds to think on how she should phrase it. "...It's just that I think you're attractive..?"

He just stared at her as he processed her words. "Pfft Hahaha!" he laughed as (Y/n) got more embarrassed and her face got red.

The brunette's laugh then trailed off. "Ah, well is that it." he asked rhetorically. "Give me your phone." he said with his hand out.

She hesitated, but ended up giving it to him anyways.

He took the phone, did some tapping and swiping, checked his phone at one moment, before giving it back. "Here. Now you can just call me anytime." he winked before leaving to go back to where he came from.

If possible, the (h/c)-ette's face got more red.


Izumi: the promised neverland has so many plot twists that i just accept everything what has happened. like should i be crying at this scene? idk man

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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