Distant (Akaashi x reader)

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Requested By: multiyimagine

Izumi: buckle up kids, this is a long one

WARNING? mentions of divorce (i honestly dont know if its a bad thing but im just worried if any of my readers get triggered 🥺)




A boy is seen sitting alone at the playground while the other kids his age were playing with each other. This boy is named Akaashi Keiji.

Akaashi is a quiet boy, only speaks when necessary or spoken to. And due to this, he wasn't able to fit in with the other kids.

He would always sit under a tree and doodle some things into the dirt with a stick he found.

"Hey, what are you doing alone?" someone said. Akaashi looked at who was talking and saw someone with (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.

"... I don't have any friends.." he replied before continuing to doodle into the dirt. He thought the girl would leave after he answered, but instead she took a seat next to him.

"I can be your friend! My name is (Y/n)! What's yours?" she asked. "..Keiji.."

elementary school

"Keiji! Let's eat lunch together!" (Y/n) asked her best friend during break time. Akaashi nodded before taking out his bento.

Meanwhile (Y/n) took a nearby empty seat and placed it beside Akaashi's table and then placing her own bento on it.

When they opened their bentoes, (Y/n) gasped. "You have octopus sausages?!" she exclaimed.

Akaashi just nodded. "Do you want some?" he asked. He had gotten less quiet once he started to hang around (Y/n) often.

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled when she was offered the food and nodded enthusiasthically and Akaashi then placed some octopus sausages into her bento.

"Here's some egg rolls in exchange!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she traded her food with him.

middle school

"(Y/n), do you want to accompany me to the convenience store?" Akaashi asked as he was packing his bag. It was already the end of school for the day and Akaashi asked (Y/n) if she wanted to tag along.

"Ah, sorry Keiji, but I have somewhere to go." (Y/n) said before brisk walking out of the classroom.

Akaashi just stared at your form as it left. 'I wonder what happened?' he thought.

==A / F E W / D A Y S / L A T E R==

Akaashi was packing his bag when he saw (Y/n) heading out of the class without him.

"(Y/n), are you not going to watch me play today?" he asked because usually his childhood best friend would stay and watch him play during training, and today was a more important training because it was a practice match against another neighbourhood school.

(Y/n) stopped in her tracks and looked back at Akaashi with a guilty look. "I'm sorry, Keiji.. But I have to go somewhere before heading home.." she said before bowing slightly and almost running her way out of school.

Akaashi just stared at his friend with a saddened look before continuing to pack his bag.

Ever since the first incident of (Y/n) "ignoring" Akaashi, they started to grow distant. It's not that (Y/n) wanted to, but it's because her family is just falling apart and she's doing her best to keep as much as she can stay together.

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