Treat (Inuoka x reader)

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"Class is dismissed." The teacher announced and the students began to leave the classroom.

"Inuoka, aren't you going to leave?" (Y/n) asked when she noticed he hasn't packed his bags yet and almost the entire class is gone. "Ah, I have cleaning duty today." he answered and headed to the back of the classroom to get the broom and dustpan.

"Oh, I can help!" the (h/c-ette) offered her help and went to get the other broom. "What?! No no it's fine!" Inuoka didn't want a girl to help him do something he was assigned to. "It's fine! I don't have anything to do later." she reassured. "Don't you have volleyball practice later?"

He was about to assure back that he was fine doing it alone but (Y/n) had already started sweeping a corner of the room.

Sighing, he just put the broom aside and went to clean the whiteboard first.


"Maaaan, I'm hungry!" the male whined halfway through sweeping the floor. "I might not even have any energy during practice later..." he muttered the last statement to himself and let out a sigh before continuing sweeping the floor.

Opening her mouth, (Y/n) was about to suggest something but closed it a second later. If she suggested the idea, Inuoka would definitely shut down the idea and decline the offer, is what she thought, so she just decided to keep quiet for now and continued cleaning up the classroom.


"And we're done!" The classroom was finally clean, mostly free of dust and dirt.

(Y/n) went to place the broom back from where she took it but while on the way there, her foot got caught on something, causing her to lose balance and trip. "Ah!" she let out a yelp as her body was falling closer and closer to the ground.

"Woah! Are you okay?" Inuoka asked when he had caught the (h/c-ette) with an arm around her while still holding the broom in his other hand. Thanks to his quick reflexes, he managed to save her the last second before she kissed the ground.

Taking a few seconds to recover from the shock, the (h/c-ette) stood back on her two feet, with the help of Inuoka, and brushed the wrinkles off of her uniform. "Thanks.." she thanked and silence enveloped both of them.

"Ah! I have to go to practice now. See ya, (L/n)!" Inuoka saw the time displayed on the clock and quickly bid farewell as he grabbed his bag and ran out the door.


==O M A K E==

"Inuoka, you don't seem to be as energetic as usual." Coach Nekomata pointed out when he noticed the middle blocker being slightly behind.

"Ah, sorry about that, coach. I didn't manage to eat during break just now.." he apologized.

Nekomata was about to say something else when the door to the gym screeched open. "Hello? Is Inuoka here?" a familiar (h/c) haired girl poked her head into the gym. Coach Naoi greeted the girl by the door and asked what she needed. A few seconds later, he allowed her to enter the gym with a small plastic bag in hand.

"Inuoka!" she greeted before handing over the plastic bag to him. "Here. You didn't manage to eat after cleaning duties, right?" He opened the bag and noticed it contained onigiri's and meat buns from the nearby convenience store. He was even handed a sports drink afterwards.

"Don't push yourself! See you tomorrow!" (Y/n) said before leaving the gym and headed home.

At this point, the other players had gathered around Inuoka to see what he had gotten. "Woah! Your girlfriend is so nice, Inuoka!" Lev exclaimed and tried to take one of the onigiris.

"She's not my girlfriend! And don't take my food!" he moved the bag away from the tall first year.

"Well you better make her yours quick. Before I make her mine instead."


Izumi: why is there no inuoka oneshots tell me.

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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