Talents (Oikawa x Soulmate!Bullied!reader)

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requested by: RealmGamer

Izumi: I watched a couple of parkour vids and i still know nothing

tbh the request was, interesting, and specific.


SOULMATE AU: where they have the same talents

reader's talents: Gaming & Parkour

(F/n) - Friend name

(N/n) - nickname



Huff.. Huff..

I pant as I was running on a ledge of a bridge, jumping, swinging, and doing some flips as training. I tried my best to not (accidentally) kick any pedestrians who were in my way.

I could have done this in a parkour course, but I would prefer to do something new every time instead of seeing the same course a hundred times. Although, I do sometimes come back to the same path to time myself to see if I have improved.


I pressed the button on my digital watch to see my time. '12 seconds faster.. Not bad.' I thought to myself before taking a break and doing some stretches. I downed a bottle of water I kept in my bag that I placed somewhere nearby.

After getting enough rest, I walked towards the nearest convenience store and got some snacks and drinks before heading home.

"Iwa-chan, do you think they sell any milk bread?" a familiar voice asked as I was trying to find my favourite drink.

"How would I know, Trashykawa?" the person I'm guessing called 'Iwa-chan' responded. 'Wait, I'm pretty sure I've heard of those names before.. Wait, I need to leave! If they see me here, the girls in school will-'

"Oh? (N/n)! Nice to see you here!" I turned around to see Mr.Popular, a.k.a Oikawa Tooru, and also one of my classmate, Iwaizumi Hajime. My plan to avoid them failed when Oikawa called out my name. I hesitantly turned around and see him giving a small wave with Iwaizumi behind.

I gave him a smile and responded back, "Nice to see you too, Oikawa-san. You too, Iwaizumi-san." Iwaizumi gave me a small smile and nodded towards me. 

I guess they noticed my outfit and how I was sweating when Oikawa asked, "I didn't know you work out, (N/n)." before he got hit by Iwaizumi for sounding rude. I just let out a small laugh as I reassured them that I wasn't offended at all. "I was just doing some training." I explained.

"Hm? What kind of training? Is it volleyball?!" Oikawa excitedly asked before he was hit, again. I shook my head, "Parkour, I was doing some Parkour training ." I guess it was very unusual for me to say that since they looked at me with wide eyes and their jaws dropped.

"H-How long have you been doing it?" Oikawa asked after a short awkward silence has passed. "Um, about 3 years?" I responded with a question since I myself have forgotten when I started. 

I felt awkward that we were just standing there in silence. "Ah, sorry guys, but I need to go home soon. See you in school." I said before paying for my items and going home.

== T H E  N E X T  W E E K ==

"Come on, (Y/n)! Stop playing your stupid game and come play volleyball with me!" (F/n) exclaimed as she tried dragging me from the bench of the gym to the court. I was accompanying (F/n) during her volleyball practice after school. It was currently their break time but (F/n) being the energetic girl she is, refuses to take a break and wants me to play the sport The girl's coach didn't mind me being here since I didn't distract them or disrupt their practice. However, I decided to play my game instead since I don't think anyone would appreciate me being with them.. I think I can feel their disgust with me being a 10m radius of them..

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