Exposed (Suna x reader)

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Requested By: toobiou

Izumi: i shall not attempt writing their accent bc im just gonna butcher it lol



"Ah, does Suna have a crush on someone?" Atsumu said not so softly.

Thanks to Atsumu, Suna snapped out of his thoughts and whipped his head to the blonde. He wanted to shout back but held it back to prevent even more attention to be directed towards them, but he used his eyes to tell the blonde to "shut up or I will kill you".

Suna has been crushing on his classmate, (L/n) (Y/n), for awhile now but he doesn't know how to tell her that. He never talked about it with his friends because they were definitely going to tease him about it.

The only reliable one was Kita, but he was too scared to even approach the captain.

So instead, he decided to keep the thoughts to himself and hope that the feelings will fade away. Unfortunately, it did not.

Currently, the group of second years are having lunch in Suna and Osamu's classroom. They were talking amongst each other until they noticed that their middle blocker was silent, more than usual.

They looked at him to see him staring at a group of girls also having lunch in the room, more specifically, his crush, who was perfectly sitting in such a way that was facing him. She was happily talking with her friends while occasionally laughing at their words, oblivious to the staring.

That's when Atsumu decided to not-so-discretely talk about Suna's not-so-hidden crushing.

Osamu and Ginjima, however, didn't care about the middle blocker's panicked reaction and joined in on teasing him. "Oh? Is it (L/n)?" "Just confess to her, man!" they said at an equal volume as Atsumu's.

Suna's face went bright red as he hid his face in his arms. No one has ever seen him this shy before.

Unfortunately, or fortunately for him, (Y/n) heard her name being called. She looked towards where she heard it but all she saw was Suna getting "bullied" by his friends with his head being "protected" by his arms..

She didn't think much of it except that she may have misheard it, so she turned back to her friends and joined back into the conversation.

"Aw, Suna, you lost your chance!" Atsumu exclaimed when he saw (Y/n) turn away from them before getting smacked on the shoulder. "Ouch!"

"So, (L/n) huh?" Osamu repeated as he had a smirk crawling onto his face. "Shut up." Suna grumbled with the blush still present on his face.

"Just confess to her, man! Since when were you this shy?" Atsumu teased, Suna didn't bother answering. "Don't worry, Suna. Me being the good friend I am, will help you!" Atsumu said as he stood up from his seat

Suna looked at him in horror as Atsumu walked towards (Y/n)'s group. "Hey," he said as he reached the other group.

Since there weren't much people in class, they could hear Atsumu's voice from where they were sitting clearly.

"my friend Suna" he said as he pointed to the middle blocker behind him, "likes you." he said as he pointed to (Y/n) whose face went slightly red at the indirect confession. Meanwhile, her friends were giggling and teased her by gently pushing her back. "Hope you would consider his feelings." Atsumu said before walking back to his seat.

"Done." he said as slammed the table. Osamu and Ginjima gave a thumbs up while Suna smacked Atsumu multiple times.

"Hey- Why are you hitting me?? I helped you!!" the blonde exclaimed as he tried to protect himself from the hits. Suna didn't answer as he kept on hitting him.

"Um, is it a wrong time to be here?"

The group looked towards the voice to see that it was one of (Y/n)'s friends, (F/n), standing in front of them.

"Ah, no, it's fine." Ginjima reassured. "What do you need?"

"Nothing much." (F/n) said, "Just that I have a message to pass to you." they said as they handed the group, specifically Suna, a piece of paper before walking back to their seat.

He accepted the paper and noticed that there was some writing on it.

date this weekend?
- (L/n) (Y/n) :3

He looked up from the note with shock to see (Y/n) waving at him before immediately hiding her face into her hands.

"...Thank you, Atsumu." he said just barely loud enough for his friends to hear.

"Hm? What did you say?" Atsumu pretended to not hear.

"I said f*ck you, Atsumu."



Izumi: u know how suna is bendy even in mid air? doesnt that mean he got an insanely good core? which equals to abs of steel??

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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