Found You (Bokuto x reader)

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Izumi: giving writing about bokuto a 2nd try




"(Y/n)!" a young Bokuto came running into the park when he saw his friend crouching and looking at some flowers.

Said friend turned around and saw her good friend running towards her with his arms open wide. "Gasp," she stood up, "Kotaro!" she opened her arms and he crashed into her before wrapping his arms around her into a hug.

"Kotaro! That's dangerous! Be careful with (Y/n)-chan!" Bokuto's mother came running behind him with their bags in her hand.

"Haha!" (Y/n)'s parent joined Bokuto's mom. "They'll be fine. If even, Kotaro would protect (Y/n) instead." they reassured but the female couldn't help but to sigh in worry.

"Kotaro! Look!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she pointed to a bush. "Eh? I saw a cat there!"

"A cat?!" Bokuto went running towards the bush with (Y/n) following.


"Look, Mama! We found a cat!" Bokuto was holding the cat up to his mother with (Y/n) beside him. Both of them were looking up at the two adults with dirt and scratches all over their body.

They had ventured through the bushes and trees to find the cat and found it preying a bird. The cat seemed to have noticed their presence and become afraid of them and ran away once again, but that didn't stop the duo from chasing it.

"Kitty! Come back!" (Y/n) called for the cat although it may not have understood her anyways.

After chasing it for a while, they managed to corner the cat against a wall of a building. "Come on, kitty! Don't be scared!" Bokuto called out to it but all it did was hiss, causing him to step back in slight fear..

(Y/n) slowly approached the cat and crouched down to show that they had no intentions of harming it. She put her hand out, "Here, kitty kitty kitty." this, surprisingly, got the cat's interest as it slowly walked towards her and sniffed her finger.

With the cat distracted, Bokuto tip-toed behind the feline, grabbed it under the front legs, and lifted it up. "Got'cha!" "Kotaro!"

And that was how the duo managed to get the cat back to their awaiting parent, who scolded them for being reckless and running off without their acknowledgement.


"What?! You're moving??" the young Bokuto exclaimed when he found out that his best friend would be moving to another part of Japan. They had been close since they were in kindergarten, and now they were going to be apart?

"But! But! ..." The boy didn't actually know what to say, he just didn't want his best friend to leave. (Y/n) looked down at the ground since she didn't know what to say either.

"Can we...still be friends when we're older?" (Y/n) looked up at him with shock. "Of course! Why wouldn't we be?"

Bokuto's mood went up. "I will find you when we grow up!"



Years passed and the duo weren't able to meet up with each other ever since. Being in two different high schools in two different areas far apart each other made it difficult for them to ever cross paths.

Bokuto had continued residing in Tokyo while (Y/n) was living somewhere further.

It wasn't until when they were adults where they had their next encounter with each other.

"Everyone! Gather 'round!" MSBY's captain, Meian Shugo, called for the team as he stood beside their coach at one end of the gym.

"Today, we welcome a new member of MSBY, our manager," as he said that, a (tall/average/short) figure came into the gym. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes.

"(L/n) (Y/n). She will be starting today, so do get to know her whenever you can." "Nice to meet all of you." she bowed slightly before standing straight and glanced through at all of the members present.

Her eyes widened when she saw the familiar spiky white-grey hair though.

The coach gave them some time to introduce themselves before heading to the court for practice.

"(Y/n)?" Bokuto waited to be the last one to talk to her since he wanted to find out if it was the (Y/n) he knew. She turned her head to the by then only person there, "Hm?"

"Did you..used to live in Tokyo when you were younger?" he asked and only noticed how weird the question sounded after he said it out loud.

Before he could correct his mistake though, (Y/n) replied. "Yes, Kotaro, I used to live in Tokyo." he was surprised, "And yes we used play together in the park." yet he was relieved. "Yes, it's me."

Without thinking, he enveloped her frame into his arms and slightly lifted her up into the air.

"I finally found you!"


Izumi: meian shugo hawt

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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