Crush (Kageyama x reader)

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Izumi-chan: '《》' means my, the author's, comments.

edit (19 july 2020): i wrote this before reading the manga and im pretty sure before final arc

IMPORTANT: in this story, all the first years (e.g Hinata, Kageyama) are third years, including the reader

Requested by: @thuglyfeotaku



"Where is that idiot Hinata at?" I muttered under my breath as I kept looking at the clock in the gym. Being a third year now, I was selected to be the vice captain of the boys' volleyball club, Hinata being the captain.

Can't believe it? Neither can I, but the Takeda-sensei and Coach Ukai saw potential in him. But thanks to him, we managed to get people join our club due to his cheery personality. Now, it has already been 20 minutes since practice started and that dumb Hinata is still not here!

I slowly felt my patience fading away as each second passes. Another 10 minutes has passed and Hinata still has not arrived. I stomped towards the door and before I could grab the handle, the door was slammed open by the captain himself.

"Dumbass! Where have you been all this time?! Do you even know how late you are?!" I shouted at him as he looked to the side, sticking his lips out 《to make this face =3=》 as he said something under his breath.

Coach Ukai walked over to us to question Hinata the same thing. "So, why are you late, Hinata?" he asked as he placed his hands on his hips. Hinata continued looking at the floor as he responded "I was helping someone with something."

"Was this someone your girlfriend?" comes Tsukishima's teasing as Yamaguchi snickered. The first and second years then began to whisper to each other about Hinata's 'girlfriend'.

"She's not my girlfriend, Stingyshima!" Hinata shouted. "Who was this 'someone' anyways, Hinata-kun?" Yachi asked, she continued being the team's manager although Kiyoko-san has already graduated along with Daichi-san, Sugawara-san and Asahi-san.

"Ah, it's (L/n)-san from your class, Yachi-san." Hinata answered. "(L/n)-senpai?!" "Isn't she one of the most popular females in the school?" "And she's the captain of the female volleyball team too!" I heard the juniors comment as they heard Hinata mentioning about (L/n)-san.

(L/n)-san is one of the popular students because she's one of the smartest of the whole level and she has beautiful (h/l) (h/c) hair, bright (e/c) eyes, (s/c) skin, (l/c) lips and a kind, cheerful and gentle personality. 《totally didn't copy that from my other story》

The first and second years then rushed towards Hinata and crowded around him, bombarding him with questions about (L/n)-san. "Kageyama! Help me!" Hinata exclaimed as he tried to escape his juniors.

I heard his cries, but I pretended like I didn't and walked to another part of the court to start my individual training. "KAGEYAMAAAAA!" cried Hinata, causing the birds in the trees outside of the gym to fly away.


It was lunch and Hinata was walking beside me as always, being as bubbly as ever as he rambles on about whatever he was talking about. My mind was too occupied with volleyball.

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