New Lover (Cheater!Terushima x reader x Sugawara)

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Izumi-chan: PART 3. istg if this 'series' gets another request then im making it into a book, maybe.

edit (2nd July 2020): Betrayal Book is out



Getting together with Sugawara was something I didn't regret. He was a kind soul, he would know when he was too much, he would know that something was bothering me, he just, knows.

It was the end of school and I was packing my bag. Sugawara and I planned to go to a library so that he could teach me subjects that I am weak in.

As I was about to leave the class, someone called out to me. "(Y/- (L/n)!"

I turned my head and saw Terushima running towards me. "How may I help you, Terushima-san." I asked. "Um, would you like to hang out some day this week?" he asked as he couldn't maintain eye contact with me.

"Sorry, but I already made plans for the week.." I rejected him politely before walking away and out of the school, going to meet Sugawara at a nearby library.


"Why did I even try.. Of course she would be busy with him.." Terushima thought as he walked out of the school sadly.

He came back home not long after. He then went to his bedroom, placed his bag by the wall and just fell onto his bed, face first, before rolling over onto his back.

'I should try calling her' Terushima thought before taking out his phone from his pocket and dialing (Y/n)'s number. He could tell that her phone was ringing, but (Y/n) didn't pick it up.

After trying to call (Y/n) a few more times, Terushima gave up and decided to call it a day, not wanting to bother (Y/n) anymore.

Meanwhile, (Y/n) was actually busy with Sugawara.

Suga was actually teaching (Y/n) (worst-subject) and they put their phones away to not get distracted easily. But they did still got distracted with each other nonetheless.. *wink*



'It's been a few days since I tried to call (Y/n), should I try again? What if she was just busy on that day and didn't manage to answer my call? But what if she actually doesn't want to talk to me? What if-'

Before I managed to continue being paranoid, I accidentally crash into someone shorter than me. "Ah! Im so sorry!" I apologized immediately.

I looked down at who had fallen and recognized the (h/l) (h/c) that was styled into a (h/s) 《hair style》

My body froze as I saw her look up at me with her shining (e/c) eyes. "Ah, (L-L/n)-san. I'm sorry for causing you to fall down." I apologized again as I outstretched my arm towards her.

"Ah, Terushima-san, I'm sorry too. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going since I was too focused on my thoughts." she explained.

After she had gotten up on her two feet, she quickly said "goodbye" and left towards the school gates. I looked at her running figure, admiring it as much as I can, until I realized that I didn't manage to talk to her like I originally planned to.

I internally screamed to myself for forgetting what I wanted to do and went home.


When I reached home, I thought about my decision again about calling (Y/n). I sat on my bed and stared at (Y/n)'s contact. A few seconds passed before I pressed the call button.

I lifted the phone towards my ear and waited for her phone to be answered.

"Hello? Terushima-san?" a voice answered. "Um, am I speaking to (L/n) (Y/n)?" I asked. "Oh, no, this is Sugawara Koushi from Karasuno speaking. (Y/n) is in the bathroom currently." the person from the other side replied.

'Sugawara huh?' I thought. 


"So, why did you decide to call (Y/n) so suddenly?" Sugawara asked. "Well, I just wanted to talk to her about what had happened. I doubt she hasn't told you about it, considering that she started to hang out with you so much recently." Terushima answered truthfully.

"Ah, I see. Well Terushima-san, I understand that you still have feelings for (Y/n), but honestly I don't think I could say the same for her." Sugawara explained.

"What do you mean, Sugawara-san?" Terushima asked, wanting Sugawara to explain even further.

It was silent for a moment, before Sugawara answered, "Um, you see, (Y/n) just confessed her feelings for me about last week.."

Terushima's eyes widened. All his plans about getting (Y/n) back was crushed. Although he could just try to steal (Y/n) away from Sugawara, he wasn't that cruel of a person.

"I-I see. Congratulations, Sugawara-san! I hope you two will last long and live a happy life together.." Terushima blurted out before hanging up.

He's happy that (Y/n) decided to move on, but the feeling of his shattered heart overcame the happy feeling. 

He brought his hands towards his face before sobbing and letting his tears flow. "I am so sorry, (Y/n)..."


Izumi-chan: hi, how are ya? 

should i start to type it as "said (Y/n)"or "(Y/n) said."? I always have difficulty in deciding on which one to use...

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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