Carnival (Ushijima x Oikawa!reader)

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Requested By: technically by victo9000 but months later because i couldnt think of a plot so once again i turned to obey me!'s stories :) part 2's are hard man

Izumi: i just realized it doesnt follow the anime timeline but oh wells

part 2 of Rescue (Ushijima x reader)



"Ushijima! Sorry for making you wait!" (Y/n) apologized when she was jogging towards the male. "It's fine." he reassured her. "Well, let's get the tickets then." (Y/n) said before leading the both of them to the ticket booth.

After the training camp for the first years at Shiratorizawa Academy, somehow, the Shiratorizawa and Aoba Johsai first years are in contact with each other. 

Tendou then had the idea to try to get (Y/n)'s number, not for himself, but for Ushijima. Why? I don't know he just felt like it. So he asked Goshiki to ask Kindaichi or Kunimi for it.

He knew about the Oikawa-(Y/n)-meeting-Ushijima incident because he saw it happened with his own eyes. The two of them so happened to be walking together when Ushijima saw (Y/n) getting harassed and saved her while Tendou actually didn't notice it.

He only caught on when he saw Oikawa dragged his sister away. "Hey, Wakatoshi, who was that?" "Ah, that was Oikawa's sister."

Anyways, the two got to talk to each other for awhile through some common interests, and it suddenly came to the conclusion that Ushijima would bring (Y/n) to the carnival that was in town. 

She complained that her brother and his friends would be going without her and her friends already planned to go there with their own friend groups, so she was alone.

And now we're here.

"Oh! Oh! Ushijima, look!" (Y/n) pointed to the ride called "Viking". It was a big pirate ship that swings in almost a full circle vertically. The seats on the ends of the ship will reach the highest point while the most inside seats were more suited for people who wanted to experience the ride but are afraid of heights.

"Let's go on i-" she got cut off when her stomach growled. She covered her stomach in an attempt to cover the sound out of embarrassment. She didn't notice, but Ushijima smiled at her silliness. "Let's go eat?" he asked and (Y/n) agreed.


After eating, the two continued their journey on trying to figure out what to do there while walking around. "I want to go on a ride, but I'll throw up later.." (Y/n) pouted as she looked longingly at the rides. "(Y/n)." she turned towards Ushijima who called her. In one of their conversations, she had told him to call her by her first name so that he wouldn't confuse her with her brother. He told her to do the same, but she didn't want to seem rude to a senpai so she just removed the honorifics but still kept using his last name.

"Here." he said as he was holding out a big plushie of (favourite-animal).

"Wah! Ushijima! Where did this come from?" she exclaimed out of shock. "I won it from the game." he said as he pointed to one of the game booths near them. "Wha, uh, um.. Thank you, Ushijima." she thanked and without realizing, she had a faint redness on her cheeks.

"A-Anyways! Let's continue walking around before we go on any rides!" she said before walking to a random booth without waiting for the ace.


As the night went on, more and more people came to the carnival and it got more and more crowded. (Y/n), being the average height, almost got separated from the ace multiple times due to people unintentionally pushing her back from how cramped the area was. 

Plus, with the plushie in hand, she was struggling moving around while trying to avoid people. 

Realizing that (Y/n) was lacking behind, Ushijima stood still to let her catch up to him. "Sorry for making you wait." she apologized. 

"It's fine." he reassured. "Give me the plushie." (Y/n) was confused before handing it to him anyways. "Give me your hand." (Y/n) got more confused, but still did it anyways.

He held her hand gently but firmly and led the both of them to another part of the carnival. The red on her cheeks got darker as she wrapped her hand around his.

'He's just holding my hand so we wouldn't get separated! That's it! That's all!... But he's holding my hand!!!!' she screamed internally.


"Sigh, Well that was tiring. But I enjoyed today. Thanks for accompanying me today, Ushijima." (Y/n) said as they exited the carnival. 

"Mmm, it's fine, I enjoyed today too." he replied with a small smile that was directed to her.

"Ah." the both of them looked up when they heard the voice and saw the Aoba Johsai Boys' Volleyball Team's third years.


"...Hi Tooru."


Izumi: during the Viking ride, i laughed out of fear and also to laugh at my friend who kept chanting "oh my". But one of the rides called Mach 5 (it just spins a lot up down) i just kept my mouth (and eyes) shut as i felt my heart drop so many times.

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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