Strict Parents (Yamamoto x reader)

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me: im so bored i dont know what to do!

Also me: *has oneshots to write by the week*



"Bye mom! I'm going out with (f/n) now!" (Y/n) said when she was about to exit the house. "Don't be out too late! Stay safe!" her mom said from the kitchen before the door closed.

Our protagonist walked towards the train station and saw a tall male with a blonde mohawk standing by a wall, waiting for someone.

"Tora!!" (Y/n) called as she ran towards the male with her arms open. The said male looked towards the voice and a smile went on his face. He opened his arms and (Y/n) came crashing into it. Thankfully, he was strong enough to not cause the both of them to fall.

"Did you wait long?" she asked while still having her arms wrapped around him. "Nah, only waited for 5 minutes." he said with his arms also still around her. "But that's fine, I don't mind waiting long for you anyways." he said as a faint blush appeared on his cheeks, causing his lover to giggle at how sweet he is.

"Well. let's go!" She moved away from the hug, intertwined their hands together, and entered the train station.

(Y/n) was in fact, actually going out with her boyfriend, Yamamoto Taketora, and not with her friend. Yes, she lied to her mother, and it wasn't that rare for her to do it, sadly.

Her parents were quite strict, so they would often question her on where she would be going and who she would be going out with.

"Where are you going?"

"Who are you going out with? Do I know them?"

"Since when did you meet this person? Why did you suddenly decide to hang out with them?"

So, tired of their questions, she would just use her friends' names since it would be easier to go out. Therefore, her parents did not know their daughter had a boyfriend nor who Yamamoto is. But this was a risk she was willing to take.

Although it has been said that strict parents more likely turn their children into "very skilled and effective liars", (Y/n) couldn't lie that fluently at all. So instead, she just doesn't tell her mother anything at all or it just limits to half-truths.

Back to our couple, the two of them finally reached their destination, the ice rink. After paying for the entry and rent for the ice skates, they made their way to the "locker room" {i think} to put on their shoes and keep their belongings in the lockers before moving to the ice rink.

"Woah!" Yamamoto exclaimed as he caught (Y/n) from falling.. "Be careful. Hold onto the sides, you're still learning." he said as he led the both of them to the perimeter of the rink. He'd also take the time to teach her the techniques and be patient with how slow she was moving.

(Y/n) couldn't help but to blush at how gentleman-like her boyfriend is. He may look tough on the outside, but he is definitely such a softy on the inside.


While they were walking home, they were having conversations from about school, to about the most random things they could think of. And during (Y/n)'s story telling about a stupid thing she did recently, someone was eyeing her up.

Yamamoto noticed this and, while (Y/n) wasn't looking at him, he pulled the most intimidating face he could make towards the pervert. Thankfully, it worked since the pervert immediately looked away and Yamamoto continued listening to the story.

They got so distracted with the story telling (and each other) that they didn't notice that they should have stopped somewhere out of the (h/c)-ette's house area.

So when Yamamoto, by instinct, led (Y/n) to the door, he got shocked when it suddenly opened to see a woman with (h/c) and (e/c), just staring at them.

Both of them, realizing that the secret's out, just stared at the older woman who stared back, all of them waiting for something to happen.

"...Nice to meet you, (L/n)-san. I'm Yamamoto Taketora."


Izumi: whenever i write about holding hands, i cringe because i imagine myself doing it and i can imagine how sweaty my hands would be and i dont like that :/

anyways what was your stupid story that happened recently? mine was that i cut my thumb to see how sharp my swiss army knife was 🤡

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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