Neighbour (Nobuyuki x reader)

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Izumi: honestly i dont know the original idea for this but it was in my drafts for so long and like i want to get rid of it but when i finished writing it i hated it but i couldnt be bothered with it anymore lol so here take it



A few years ago..

"You're the new neighbours, right? I'm Kai Himari,." the woman said before gesturing to the boy beside her, who had short black hair and black eyes. "and this here is my son, Nobuyuki. We live right beside."

"Ah! Hello! Would you like to come in?" (M/n) invited. "I'm (L/n) (M/n). My husband's currently shopping for groceries, but my daughter's here."

When the guests entered the house and got themselves comfortable, (M/n) prepared some cups and drinks for them before going further into the house.

Knock knock..

She opened the door to reveal a girl with (h/l) (h/c) unpacking her stuff from the boxes. "(Y/n), we have some guests. Come and greet them." (M/n) said. The girl, now known as (Y/n), got up and exited her room.

She went into the living room with her mother to see a woman and a boy she didn't recognize. "This is my daughter, (Y/n). She's going to start her first year of middle school on Monday." (M/n) introduced her daughter, who was shy and didn't know how to talk to them.

"Ah, she's starting this week? I think Nobuyuki can lead her there." Himari said while looking at her son, who just nodded. "Yeah, I don't mind it."

Although they didn't know each other, (Y/n) knew she could trust him, but she didn't want to open up to him yet.

When it was finally (Y/n)'s first day of middle school, Nobuyuki was standing in front of her house, waiting for her. "Are you ready to go to school?" he asked.

Still shy around him, (Y/n) just nodded at him.

On the way to school, Nobuyuki sensed how nervous the girl was. He tried to break the ice by telling her how to remember the route, where the bus stops are, where the nearest convenience shops are, and so on.

When they arrived at school, he showed her way to her class. "I'm going to walk home with you too, is that okay?" he asked the quiet girl, who just nodded. Nobuyuki smiled before patting her head and headed to his class.

By the end of the day, (Y/n) managed to slightly break out of her shell to Nobuyuki.

"Kai! Kai!" by the end of the week, she would be running out of school towards him, who was waiting at the front gate.

It didn't take them long to make walking to school and walking home a habit, but it didn't take long for that habit to be stopped too.

"Don't leave.." Currently, the both of them were right in front of their houses. Nobuyuki just graduated that day and (Y/n) realized that that meant they won't go to school together anymore.

So what was her plan? Hug him and don't let go.

"(Y/n).. It's not like I'm going to move away. I'm still going to live here." he chuckled. "But we're not going to the same school anymore!" she complained. "Who's gonna walk to school with me then.."

Nobuyuki chuckled.

Years later..

A couple of years later, (Y/n) had graduated middle school and was now preparing for high school.

"Bye mom! I'm going to school now!" (Y/n) said. "Take care!" her mother replied.

The girl opened the door and got shocked at who she saw in front of her house. "Nobuyuki? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I heard that it was your first day at Nekoma." he said. "Do you want to walk to school together?"

The (h/c)-ette smiled. "Sure."


Izumi: ready for my christmas holiday so i can have my sleep

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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