Betrayal (Cheater!Terushima x reader)

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Izumi-chan: '《》' means my, the author's, comments.

edit: Part 2 - Moved On (Cheater!Terushima x reader x Sugawara)



(n/n)- nickname



"(L-L/N)-san, w-will you please be my girlfriend?" Terushima Yuuji, my classmate, confessed to me in our empty classroom after school hours. I was shocked that THE Terushima Yuuji, the popular guy from our class, would confess to a person like me.

"It's f-fine if you don't accept my feelings, I understand." Terushima muttered as he looked towards the side. I wanted to reject his feeling because we just started talking to each other for a few weeks, but I'd feel guilty if I did so.

"S-sure, I'll be your girlfriend." I stated as I didn't want him to feel sad. Terushima's eyes lit up as he looked up from the side and to my face. "Really?!" He slightly shouted. I nodded my head

"Thank you so much, (L/n)-san!" He exclaimed as he brought me into a warm hug. I just blushed from embarrassment and buried my face into his chest.


It has been a few month since the confession and Yuuji has shown so much affection towards me.

He bought for me all kinds of stuff for every month we were together. When we would go on dates, he would always send me home to ensure I was safe. He even kissed be on the forehead before leaving.

After these few months, I managed to develop feelings for him. We seem like the perfect couple too. I mean, we have had fights before but we always made up somehow.

This may sound childish but, I hope I grow up and marry Yuuji. He makes me realize that someone does care about me and I am loved.



I woke up by the sound of my phone ringing at around 3 in the morning. 'Who would message me at this timing?' I asked myself as I picked up my phone and unlocked it.

I were blinded for a moment due to the bright screen which I forgot to adjust. 'Goddamit..' I said to myself as I made the brightness to the lowest. When I finally opened the message, I noticed it was from the one and only, Terushima Yuuji.

I gasped as my eyes widened. He had sent me a picture of himself and another girl, who I don't recognize at all, kissing on the lips. "What is this?!" I whisper-shouted as my grip on my phone tightened.

I scrolled down and saw he had sent a message too. 'I enjoyed tonight, lets do it again ;)' It said.I gritted my teeth as tears started to flow out of my eyes. "Was I not enough?" I whispered to myself as I cried myself to sleep.


I was walking down the hallway quickly, trying to get away from everyone, including my close friends, as quick as possible.

I was still depressed over the incident and I wish to be alone for now. Just when I had finished changing my shoes, I was about to leave but unfortunately, someone grabbed my wrist.

I turned around as saw that it was Yuuji and immediately tried to escape his grasp. "(N/n), what are you doing? Why have you been avoiding me?" Yuuji asked me with an innocent look on his face.

I kept quiet as I looked at the ground. "(N/n), please answer me. What did I do wrong?" "'What did I do wrong?' you say?!" I raged at him when there were no one except for us two at the shoe lockers.

Yuuji then released his grasp on me and stepped back a little. "(N/n), calm do-" "Shut up, Yuuji!" I shouted as I felt tears forming. "Am I not enough for you?"


Yuuji kept quiet, thinking what he had done wrong. "You must be confused about I'm talking about, right? Well then, explain this." You said as you showed him the photo you received hours ago.

The blonde's eyes widened as he saw the picture. "Where did you get that photo?" he asked, bewildered. Before you even managed to answer him, he added "Please (n/n), I-I don't know what had happened. I went to a party last night and-and the rest flew by. Please (n/n), forgive me."

"Goodbye and don't talk to me again, Terushima-san." You said coldly before leaving the school. Yuuji then dropped onto his knees before wailing, loud enough for the whole school to hear.


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- boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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