Remember (Aone x reader)

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Requested by: FresaQueen

Izumi: I had this already prepared in the big list of stories I should make. I don't think it sounds that sad??? I hope??? :<



August 13th, sounds like a normal day, but it was actually someone's birthday. Whose? Well its your precious 192cm (6'3.6) giant named Aone Takanobu.

He was going to classes as per normal, but nothing was out of the ordinary. Quite expected since no one really asked for his birthday, well maybe besides Futakuchi and (Y/n).

Lessons went on as per normal and lunch time arrived. Aone headed out of his classroom and was about to go to the cafeteria to get some food before meeting (Y/n) at their usual spot, when a voice called out to him.


Aone turned and saw his girlfriend, (L/n) (Y/n), running towards him. She didn't slow down one bit and instead crashed into Aone's body. Thankfully, Aone didn't fall at all.

(Y/n) lifted her head off of his chest and looked up at him. "Happy Birthday! I made you a bento!" she said before lifting up 2 boxes of bentos in her hands.

Aone (not that obviously) showed a smile and took one of the bentos and muttered "Thanks".

Despite having heard his voice before, his deep voice still managed to make her flustered.

After her blush has lessen, they went to their usual lunch spot. It was a picnic table outside the school buildings but still in the campus.

Once seated, Aone opened up the bento and almost drooled at the sight.

"Oh! And before I forget," Aone was brought out of his thought when (Y/n) suddenly remembered something

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"Oh! And before I forget," Aone was brought out of his thought when (Y/n) suddenly remembered something.

She brought out another smaller box onto the table. "I also made you some of your favourite, Kuri Kinton (Candied Chestnuts and Sweet Potatoes)."

At this point, Aone's eyes were sparkling

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At this point, Aone's eyes were sparkling. He got up from his seat, went to (Y/n)'s side, pulled her off her seat, and hugged her tightly.

(Y/n) giggled knowing that her boyfriend was a cuddler. It's so cute to see this intimidating-looking man being so soft.

"Thank you. I love you so much." Aone said as his head was in her hair. "Hehe, you're welcome and I love you too, Taka-kun, but that's not all. There's still a surprise waiting at my home." (Y/n) said as she felt his head being lifted off of hers.

(Y/n) looked up at him and Aone's eyes were sparkling even more than before.

==  T I M E S K I P ==

(Y/n)'s parents were out of town for the week so she decided to take this opportunity to bring Aone to her house and celebrate his birthday there. It wasn't his first time coming to her home, so he immediately made himself comfortable as (Y/n) prepared his present.

She went up to her room, took a blanket, went back down to the couch and threw the blanket onto Aone. She then went to the TV and prepared some things to watch before going back to the couch and now throwing herself onto Aone. 

Aone's eyes widened as he panicked and opened his arms to catch his lover. (Y/n) giggled as she made herself comfortable and covered the both of them with the blanket.

"So... this is your surprise?" Aone said. "Yep! Just the two of us, cuddling and watching some shows. Do you not like it?" (Y/n) said with slight worry. 'What if he was expecting for something more?' She thought.

Aone tensed up as he immediately responded, "No! I mean, I like it, because it's you.." he said as he blushed. (Y/n) blushed before cuddling even closer.

"I'm glad.

Happy Birthday, Aone.

I love you."


Izumi: ???

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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