Protect (Shiratorizawa x reader)

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"I'm going to refill the water bottles." (Y/n) informed Reon, who was the nearest person there.

The team had just won their first match for Nationals and were currently waiting for the next match to start. While waiting for it to start, they decided to take a break and (Y/n) decided that she wanted to refill their water bottles in the meantime.

"I'll go with you." Reon offered, but was rejected. "No, you need to rest. You just finished a game." (Y/n) lightly scolded the male with her eyebrows furrowed. Her stern expression then changed into a gentle one, "I'll be fine, don't you worry." she reassured while giving one of her bright smiles.

Reon was hesitant, but he didn't want to argue over it. "Okay.." he sighed and saw the manager walking down the hallway to the nearest water fountain. "...I have a bad feeling about this.."


Reon couldn't bear to hold the knowledge that their manager was out by herself to refill the water bottles, so he told the team about it a few minutes later.

"What?!" Semi exclaimed and the rest of the team were shocked too as they stared at the third year with wide eyes. It was silent for a few seconds between them when Yamagata suddenly shouted, "Let's go find her!".

The team didn't have to discuss anything as they exited the gym and went to the nearest water fountain together.

Imagine the looks on the people when they see the famed Shiratorizawa Volleyball Team walking down the hall with a stoic look on each of their faces, as if to show that they are confident in winning the Nationals.

But they were actually panicking on the inside while darting their eyes and head around to find their manager.

When they finally arrived at the nearest water fountain, fortunately for them, they saw their manager there, safe. But on the downside, she was accompanied by people from the other teams. Although, it seemed like she was holding up well while still refilling the bottles...

"Are you free later?" "Nope!"

"Do you want to trade socials?" "No thank you!"

"Do you need a strong man to help you carry those bottles?" "I'm good, thank you!"

She rejected all of them with an innocent tone and a smile on her face. Is she that oblivious? Probably. Who knows?

Walking faster to reach her first, Reon called out to her like a worried father, "(Y/n)!"

Turning to the voice, her eyes widened and her smile grew bigger. "Reon-kun!" she quickly screwed the cap of the last bottle, picked up the tray(?) of bottles, and ran/skipped towards the male, while pushing through the unfamiliar players.

"Are you okay?" Semi stood next Reon and asked her while checking around her arms and face to see if she was injured somewhere. She nodded to him the best she could do.

Because she was distracted with the dark skinned wing spiker and the ash blonde setter , she didn't notice the glares from the team that were directed to the people who were crowding her not long ago.

The said people immediately tensed up and quickly left the scene. Meanwhile, (Y/n) was still getting babied.

"Let's go back to the court, yeah?" Reon said and the manager nodded cutely and excitedly as she skipped in front of the team.


Izumi: dude i dont know what i wrote but here take it

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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