Marry (Komori x reader)

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Izumi: i suddenly remembered knb and akashi seijuro has the same vibes as kita shinsuke



Years ago...

"When I grow up, I'm going to marry you!"

A young Komori said to a young (Y/n) who was playing in the sand pit of the playground. "Huh?" she said in response.

"My mom said that if someone likes somebody a lot, they marry them! And I like you a lot, (L/n)!" he explained.

The young brunette's mother had seen the two children being very close to each one day when she was picking up her son.

"Motoya." she called. "Hm?" he hummed in response. "Do you like (L/n)-chan?" she asked. Komori smiled at the name. "Yeah! She's nice." he said enthusiastically.

"Do you want to marry her one day?" she asked with a teasing tone, but the boy got confused on what she meant. " "marry" ?" he repeated. "Mm, when you love someone a lot, you marry them." she explained.

"Oh! I wanna marry (L/n) then!" the boy said. "When you're older." the woman added and the boy got slightly disappointed since he had to wait when he was an adult to marry.

Back to the two children, (Y/n) just stared at the male since she didn't really understand what he meant by "marry", but she gave a smile. "Okay." she said.

Present time

"(L/n)! Good morning." Komori greeted her with a hug when he saw her waiting for him outside his home. "Good morning." she greeted back while returning the hug.

After releasing from the hug, the two then made their way to school, where they met up with Sakusa on the way.

"Good morning, Sakusa." (Y/n) greeted the ace. "Mornin'." he greeted back before the three of them went to their classes.

It's been years since that childhood incident, and the two still stayed as friends. Apparently after all these years, Komori still held feelings for the (h/c)-haired girl. He thought that she had forgotten about that incident, but she in fact did not.

When she got older, she suddenly remembered about the incident and finally understood what the male meant. And when she finally understood her own feelings, she realized that she actually liked the male too. But because the years had passed, she thought that his feelings are not the same as they used to be, so instead of confessing, she decided to hide her feelings as well and hope that they fade out.

So the both of them now see each other as close childhood friends, but everyone else sees otherwise. Because of how close they are with each other, from feeding each other their lunches to hugging each other often, they would be mistaken as a couple.

Even Sakusa thought they were together! Imagine third-wheeling two people who would act very close (and lovey-dovey) with each other, only to find out that they're not together? He was disgusted to say the least. But she was one of the people he wouldn't mind being near to ever since he first met her.

He handled their affection for each other for the past few years well, but now, he was sick of it.

Being the manager of Itachiyama's Boys' Volleyball Team, it allowed (Y/n) to be around the two of them even more. Unfortunately, for Sakusa, that meant he had to see the two of them express their love for each other even more.

Scene 1

"Komori~ You worked so hard." (Y/n) praised the libero as she wiped away his sweat with a towel. "Thank you, (L/n)~." Hearts could be seen floating around the two of them as Sakusa tried to get away from them as far as he could.

Scene 2

"Mmmm, my legs are tired." (Y/n) whined. She had been running around the gym, taking care of the players and the other team since they just had a practice match with a nearby school.

"Do you want me to give you a piggyback?" Komori offered despite being tired himself, but he knows he can handle it compared to their manager.

"Are you sure? Aren't you tired?" (Y/n) asked with concern. "I'll be fine. Your house isn't that far from here too." he replied before crouching down slightly. "C'mon."

(Y/n) then climbed onto his back and got comfortable by wrapping her arms around his neck loosely and Komori held her up by her thighs.

Sakusa groaned as he saw the hearts floating around them again.

Scene 3

The three of them were in the library, studying for the upcoming exams.

"I don't understand this..." (Y/n) muttered under her breath as she was stressing over the subject. Komori, who was sitting beside her, heard her struggle. "Ah, do you want me to help you?" he asked while giving a smile. (Y/n) smiled back, but before she could answer, a book was slammed shut by none other than Sakusa, who was sitting opposite of them.

"Is something wrong, Sakusa?" (Y/n) asked the male.

"If I leave, will you guys finally confess to each other?" the two looked at him confused. Sakusa sighed before quickly packing his items and leaving the library, causing silence to envelope the remaining two.

The silence lingered for a few seconds before Komori decided it was time to break it.

"Remember when I said I would marry you when we were younger?" Komori suddenly asked out of nowhere. The girl looked at him and nodded. She noticed how he suddenly got shy. "Can we.. Do you.. Do you want to start off as a couple first?"

It took her a few seconds to understand what he meant. But when she finally understood it, she smiled and replied, "Of course. I'll be waiting for your proposal then."


Izumi: i gave up on having a schedule

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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