See you (Kunimi x reader)

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Requested By: multiyimagine

Izumi: i complained about it like 3 times already and imma complain about it here.

So i bought a kpop lightstick on Weverse Shop during preorder and i didnt know i would get a ticket for the online concert...THAT HAPPENED 3 DAYS AGO.


Or a fan meeting idk the ticket says "fan meeting" but if its fan meeting then its fine because imma be awkward and i cant speak korean :')



(d/n) - dog name



5 years ago - Somewhere in Tokyo...

"(d/n)!" a 10 year (Y/n) shouted as she ran around the park to find her puppy. Her family decided to go on a trip to Tokyo and had to bring their puppy along since no one was available to take care of it.

"(d/n)!" she shouted as she continued straying further into the park.


She turned to her right when she heard a familiar bark. "(d/n)!" she shouted before running towards where she thought she heard the bark.

"(d/...n)..?" (Y/n)'s words trailed off when she saw that her puppy was playing with a boy her age. He has dark hair that were parted to the sides of his face.

"Um.. thank you for finding my dog." (Y/n) said softly while walking towards the mysterious boy. She was shy.

"Hm?" the boy said when he looked up from the dog to the (h/c) haired girl. "Oh, yeah, no problem." he said.

It didn't take long for the puppy to follow the boy's gaze to notice that it's owner was there too. "Arf!" it barked in excitement before running towards her.

Both of them just stood there awkwardly. (Y/n) didn't have to leave for another hour, so she didn't have anywhere else to go.

"So, um.. What's your name? I'm (L/n) (Y/n)." she shyly asked the boy.

"Kunimi... Kunimi Akira.." the boy introduced himself.

"..Do you want to play?" the girl suggested. "..Sure."

They slowly walked to the playground that was available in the park with (d/n) following beside them. In the beginning, it was awkward between them, but they soon started to converse more and ended up laughing together.

Somewhere during their playing, they had found out they were the same age. They also found out that Kunimi was from Miyagi and (Y/n) was from Hyogo, and both of them were in Tokyo for a family trip.

Their playtime was up when their parents were calling for their child.

"Do you want to play again tomorrow?" Kunimi, for once, excitedly asked (Y/n), whose smile dropped at the question.

"I.. I'm going back home tonight.." she said as she avoided Kunimi's saddened gaze.

"..What?" Kunimi asked in disbelief.

"(Y/n)! Let's go!" (Y/n)'s mother exclaimed.

"See you, Kunimi." (Y/n) said before walking up to the boy and hugging him tightly. Kunimi hugged back as tightly. "I'll miss you." he whispered. "I'll miss you too.."

And that was the last time they saw each other, until the first year of high school that is.

==P R E S E N T / D A Y==


"Ugh.." I groaned as I sat down on my usual seat in class.

"Good morning class, we have a new student joining us today!" our homeroom teacher said.

"A new student? In the middle of the first year?" someone in the class said.

"Come in, (L/n)-san!" the teacher called.

It took me a few seconds to process the name that was just said by the teacher. '"..(L/n)-san"?' I thought before seeing a girl with (h/l) (h/c) entering the classroom.

Kunimi's eyes widened. 'It looks like her! But is it..?'

"Good morning, everyone. I am (L/n) (Y/n) and I just moved from Hyogo. Nice to meet all of you." she introduced herself before bowing slightly.

==T I M E S K I P==

It was lunch and I was eating my food with Kindaichi who just came to my class not long ago. And of course, the new student managed to capture the attention of almost the entire class.

"(L/n)! What school were you from?"


"Inarizaki?! Did you meet the Miya Twins? They're so cute!"

"No! Oikawa's cuter!"

Questions keep on coming while (Y/n) was trying to eat her bento. She wanted to take a bite, but she also wanted to answer the questions.

Without thinking, I stood up from my seat and moved towards the crowd. "Hey, let her eat in peace. Ask the questions later or something.." I said.

Everyone looked at me shocked for some reason, probably because I rarely talk in class, and here I am telling them off, but they all soon moved away from (Y/n).

I was about to walk back to my seat when someone called me.

"Kunimi." they said.

I turned to the voice and saw that (Y/n) was the one who called me.

"Kunimi, right?" she asked. I nodded. I felt my heart start to beat faster. 'She remembers me!'

She gave me a smile. "You didn't change, huh?"

==O M A K E==

After some small talk, I realized that neither of us has eaten lunch yet. "Do you want to join me and my friend for lunch?" I asked. I also forgot that Kindaichi was waiting for me, whoops.

"Oh! Sure!" she said before picking up her bento and standing up from her seat, waiting for me to move. I turned and moved to where I was sitting.

Kindaichi noticed I was finally coming back and looked up from his phone before looking back at it and doing a double take.

I took an empty chair nearby and placed it on the left of my seat and on the right of Kindaichi's.

"W-What? (L/n), nice to meet you. Kunimi why is she sitting here?" Kindaichi asked.

"I asked her to." I replied.

"Eh, why?"

"Kunimi and I met before when we were younger." (Y/n) said. "It's been years since we've seen each other, but I never forgot his face."

"Eh? Really? I never forgot about you too." I said truthfully. It took me a second to realize what I just said, but it was too late. A blush crawled to my face as I looked away in embarrassment.

"...So how did you guys meet?" Kindaichi asked after a few seconds of silence.


Izumi: pray for me for my internship is tomorrow

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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