Noise (Inarizaki x reader)

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Izumi: dang i rusty sorry



In Inarizaki's volleyball club, the relationship between their manager and their ace isn't that much a secret. Well, they don't bother hiding it in the first place. 

They openly hold hands in public, sometimes giving each other pecks on the cheeks or forehead, and even bringing each other into hugs whenever they win or lose.

The team was practically used to this behaviour.

But this.. This situation was not what the team expected at all.

It was just another Saturday morning training and the twins were barely on time. "Yawn." Atsumu yawned while walking to the clubroom with his twin. "Why does it have to be so early.." he murmured. 

"Maybe if you didn't stay up late last night, you would be less tired now." Osamu replied monotonously while enjoying his snack.

Atsumu was about to retort, but he stopped himself when he saw the team gathering outside the clubroom, more specifically, eavesdropping through the closed door.

"Hey, what's going o-" "Shh!" Akagi cut Atsumu off. "Be quiet!" he whisper yelled.

"So what's going on?" Atsumu asked, now quieter and crouching beside Akagi. "(Y/n) and Ojiro are inside." the libero answered. "Okay, and?"

He was about to explain the situation to the newcomers but he was cut off by Ojiro's voice from inside.

"Mmmm, yeah, (Y/n), right there." The twins were instantly shocked. They then heard (Y/n)'s voice. "Right here?" "Mm, yeah."

The twins then joined in on the eavesdropping and moved closer to the door.

"You're pretty good." Ojiro praised before letting out another groan.

"Hehe, well, after watching some videos online, I managed to learn it quickly somehow." The team's blush darkened. "You deserve this, you've been working hard lately after all, with inter-high coming and all."

"Well, if you put it that way..." they heard some shifting happening around the room, mostly Ojiro getting up from the bench, "You deserve it too, right?" You've been working as hard with us after all."

"E-Eh? AraN?" (Y/n) squealed. "M-Mm!" she sounded seconds later.

By now, everyone was either still listening with a red face, or they were trying to distract themselves with also a red face. Some wanted to leave the scene, but their curiosity got the better of them.

However, Atsumu couldn't take it anymore and just busted into the clubroom. "Stop it!" he exclaimed before freezing at the sight. "Ah."

Right in front of him was their manager, on her stomach on the bench with their ace behind her, massaging her calves. 

" 'Tsumu? Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked while slowly pushing herself off the bench. "Did something happen?" Aran looked at him worriedly.

The blond couldn't process what was happening anymore as he just stared at the two of them, with the team doing the same thing from outside.



Izumi: i went to look online on what akagi calls aran, but i ended up watching a 10 minute video of suna clips

Dude imagine suna constantly doing core workouts so that he could consistently do that wide range spike

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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