Tutor (Ennoshita x reader)

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Izumi-san: guys i just realized how far behind i am on the manga/anime at this point of time but i have already prepared a LOT of oneshots shhsjsjsjsjsk so it might contain some old news about them ;-;



"Ennoshita-san, I have noticed that your grades have worsen. What happened? Is everything alright at home?" the teacher asked Ennoshita with concern as the student looked down at the floor with worry.

They were currently in their classroom, everyone had left since the last class had ended 15 minutes ago. The reason why his grades ended up where it is now is because of his club, Volleyball.

The teacher realized that Ennoshita does not want to talk about the problem and continued what they wanted to talk about. "Sigh, I know you are only a second year, but that doesn't mean you can still slack off from studies." they said.

'That's harsh, but it's true..' Ennoshita thought as he continued looking at the floor. 

"That's why I asked someone to help you in your studies! She will be coming here soon." The teacher said cheerfully. ' "She"? ' Ennoshita thought as he looked up at the teacher. 

Just on time, a girl with (h/c) and (e/c) frantically opened the door to the classroom and was panting. "S-Sorry, teacher. I had some student council duties to attend to." she said as she tried to catch her breath.

'(L/n) (Y/n)??' Ennoshita was panicking on the inside because the girl in front of him was none other than (L/n) (Y/n), the secretary of the the student council and also one of the smartest if not the smartest students in his batch. And also his crush.

"It's fine, (L/n)-san. You're on time actually." the teacher said. "I just finished explaining to Ennoshita-san here on what will be going on."

"So, (L/n)-san, Ennoshita-san, I wish you two good luck for the upcoming exams next week." The teacher said before leaving.

(Y/n) turned towards Ennoshita and stuck her hand out and a small smile on her face, "Hello there, if you didn't know already, I'm (L/n) (Y/n) and I'll be your tutor for the next week." she said.

Ennoshita returned the smile and shook the girl's hand, "Nice to meet you, (L/n)-san. I am Ennoshita Chikara. Please take care of me." he said.

For the next week, our two characters spent most of their time together studying and teaching each other, mostly the girl to the guy. They've also managed to strengthen their bonds between each other too. Then, the time of the exams came.

Before Ennoshita managed to enter his class, (Y/n) gave him a small (charm/gift) as a sign of good luck before leaving for her own. [Ennoshita liked that]

His end results were obviously much better than his previous scores and he was grateful for it. So to pay back the efforts of tutoring him for the past week, he told (Y/n) that he would do anything in return.

The girl was slightly surprised that the male was going to pay her back despite her doing her job, but accepted the deal nonetheless. She thought about it for awhile and said that she wanted to be brought out to dinner by him. 

"When do you want it?" Ennoshita asked. "Like, right now." The girl said nonchalantly as if she wasn't worried that it might have been too soon. Ennoshita's eyes widened at how soon she wanted him to repay the favour, but didn't mind because thankfully he had enough money for that night.

They decided to go into a cafe nearby and ordered the food drinks. (Y/n) had chosen (food) and (drink).

"So, Ennoshita-kun, how was your results?" (Y/n) asked as they were waiting for their food. "It was the best I've ever gotten! I didn't think I could even receive marks that high." Ennoshita said with a huge smile on his face. (Y/n) chuckled.

"I'm glad" (Y/n) said as their orders had been served to the table. 

They then began chatting about random things whilst eating and lost track of time, seeing how it was already around evening when they decided to leave the cafe.

"It was for a short time, but I enjoyed our time together today." said (Y/n), "I should be going home now, see you tomorrow in school, Ennoshita-kun."

Before the girl can leave, Ennoshita stopped her, "(L/n)-san," he called out, causing the said person to stop and turn towards him. He hesitated a bit before continuing his sentence, "is it fine if I walk you home?"

(Y/n) was slightly confused because no one has ever walked her home before but agreed on it.

They continued where they had left off in the cafe on their walk back home and not long after, they reached their destination. 

"Well, this is my home. Thanks for sending me back, Ennoshita-kun." (Y/n) thanked him. "No problem, (L/n)-san. Also, is it fine if I call you by your first name instead? Ah, you can call me by mine too!" He said nervously with a tint of red on his face.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened at his suggestion since she didn't think that he would want to strengthen the bond that they had.

"Sure, Chikara-kun." she smiled.

Is this the start to a new relationship?


Izumi-chan: i dont like what i just wrote.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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