Moved On (Cheater!Terushima x reader x Sugawara)

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Requested by: WizardWriter101 : requested for Suga
orianz666 : requested for Betrayal part 2 (I think?)

Izumi-chan: I actually don't know how far is Karasuno to Johzenji....

im sorry for the long wait to those who requested 🙏


edit: Part 3 - New Lover (Cheater!Terushima x reader x Sugawara)


Last time on Betrayal (Cheater!Terushima x reader)

"Goodbye and don't talk to me again, Terushima-san." You said coldly before leaving the school. Yuuji then dropped onto his knees before wailing, loud enough for the whole school to hear.

What happened afterwards:


After I walked past the school gates, I sprinted. To where? I don't know actually. I may have seemed cool and calm on the outside a moment ago, but I actually wanted to drop down to the floor and breakdown and cry, the same way Yuuj- I mean, Terushima-san did.

I continued running, my legs slowly getting tired. I wonder where I'm going, I haven't really looked up since I started. My tears slowly clouding my vision, causing me to not see where I was stepping.

"Hey, look out!" I heard someone exclaim before hearing a car honk and the screech of the tires against the road.

Fortunately, before the car managed to touch me, I got pulled back by the back of my uniform collar, causing me to fall on my butt.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard a deep voice ask me as a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to the person's face and thought, "Isn't he the captain of Karasuno's volleyball?"

He was taken aback as he was recognized by someone from another school. "Why yes, that's me. I am Sawamura Daichi, and I am the captain of Karasuno's Boys' Volleyball Team." he said. I was snapped out of trance when he spoke. I realized that I had thought out loud, and blushed in embarrassment.

I look to his side and saw a light grey-hared male with hazel-brown eyes and a beauty mark under his left one. "And you," I said as I pointed to him, "you are the vice-captain, right?" He looks taken aback as well before introducing himself. "Yes, I am Sugawara Koushi, and how do you know us?"

I was about to explain myself, until I remembered about Yuuji. I shook my head slightly, trying to forget about Yuuji, before I said, "My ex-boyfriend is in the volleyball team in my school, and I've seen your guys' match. Somehow, I still remember your faces."

"Ahh.." I heard them say as they understood what I had just explained. "Well, what is your name and what are you doing in this area?" the captain asked. I hesitated to tell him the truth, but I couldn't bring myself together to lie.

"Ah, my name is (L/n) (Y/n) and, well, remember that I mentioned about my ex-boyfriend? He so happened to cheat on me and I confronted him just now. We ended up breaking up, and yea.. I ran away." I explained.

There was silence between us for a few seconds, before Sugawara-san decided to break it by suggesting an idea, "Well, do you want to talk about it over some coffee or tea?". I stared up at Sugawara-san, still on the floor as he was already standing up straight, lending a hand for me to take. "Sure, I would like that." I answered with a smile before taking his hand and standing, brushing the dirt off my skirt.

The three of us were now standing up straight. "You guys enjoy your date, I need to head home to help out my mom." Sawamura-san said with a smirk. My face heated up, as well as Sugawara-san's as he shouted "S-Stop it, Daichi!" and slapped Sawamura-san's shoulder.

Sawamura-san chuckled. "Anyways, see you tomorrow, Suga, and see you next time, (L/n)-san." he said before turning and walking away. Sugawara-san and I stared in the direction he walked in as his figure gets smaller and smaller.

Sugawara-san turned towards me, with a gentle smile on his face. "Let us go to a nearby cafe, yeah?" He asked. I responded with a smile of my own and a nod of my head.


During our talk, Sugawara-san comforted me everytime I cried because of the incident with Yuuji. I can't stop thinking about him, about how he was the one who confessed, yet he was one the cheated as well.

"I don't think I can move on.." I mumbled out loud. "Ne, (L/n)-chan, how about we meet up every Wednesday? I don't have club on that day 《i actually dk》, is it fine with you?" Sugawara-san asked.

I thought, trying to remember my schedule for each week. Well I have nothing going on after school on Wednesdays, so "Sure, why not." I replied him, with a genuine smile, as he sent a smile to me as well.



Here I am, on the way out of school, thinking about the angel I call (Y/n). Although (Y/n) is in the same class as me, we haven't been talking since the break up, which was weeks ago! Man, I really regret it so much. I want to get back with her. Despite the stupid thing I just did, I still love her with all my heart.

'Oh, there she is!' I was about to call out to her, until I saw her happily running out of the school gates with a wide smile on her face.

'Why is she so happy? Did she find someone new?' I thought as I looked in the direction she was running towards. 'Wait, she's running to someone.. why does he look to familiar?' I thought as I saw someone of a slender build and light grey hair.

'Isn't that, the vice-captain of Karasuno?' I watched from a distance as I saw (Y/n) jumped and hugged the male tightly. They were chatting for a bit with smiles on their faces before walking away, hand in hand.

My eyes were wide as my mouth was agape. I don't know why I felt this way, but I felt shocked. I felt...betrayed? "How ironic.." I whispered to myself as I had tears flowing down my cheeks.


Izumi-chan: I have no clue what I wrote too ._.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : mizushima_izumi

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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