Ignored (Tsukishima x reader)

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Izumi-chan: I wrote the beginning half way around last year and only continued writing it this year, and I do not remember what the plot was. So I hope you enjoy this weird story I tried to fix :')



Here, we see (L/n) (Y/n) eating her bento alone on the rooftop. Usually, her lover, Tsukishima Kei would be sitting beside her and would be talking to her. Sometimes, Yamaguchi would eat with them, not that any of them mind.

However, Tsukishima was acting differently for the past few days. He has been avoiding (Y/n) in so many ways. By avoiding walking with her, avoiding meeting her, avoiding her conversations by answering her with short answers, or even pretending as if he didn't hear her at all.

She even asked Yamaguchi about Tsukishima's actions, but Yamaguchi just avoided the question. After getting avoided and ignored for a few more times, (Y/n) just sighed and gave up. She ended up avoiding Tsukishima too and instead either isolate herself or eat with her friends instead.

She even explained her problem to her friends and was responded with things like "Maybe he wasn't the right guy for you." "He doesn't deserve you." . She sighed for the umpteenth time as she thought about what had happened for the past few days.

She closed the half-eaten bento and placed it back into her bag before walking towards the door of the rooftop. Before she could open it, someone from the other side of the door opened it for her.

She looked up in shock because she didn't expect someone to be there, but her face soon changed to be emotionless because the person in front of her was none other than Tsukishima Kei himself.

"Ah, (Y/n), I wanted to tal-" before he can complete his sentence, (Y/n) cut him off. "Sorry, but I have to go, class is going to start soon and I don't wish to be late." She said before she tried to walk past him despite it only being the first 15 minutes of the lunch break.

Tsukishima's eyes widened at her words and was frozen in shock. Before the girl managed to walk past him, he grabbed her wrist to prevent her from walking any further. "(Y/n), wait! I really need to tell you something.".

(Y/n) was about to say something, but decided to go against it because she was curious on what it was. She nodded her head at him and waited for the other. Tsukishima was shocked yet glad that the girl decided to give him a chance despite his attitude towards her for the past few days.

Tsukishima let go of her wrist and took something out from his pocket. It was a small rectangular box.

He held it out for (Y/n) to take, but she just stared at it with a raised eyebrow before taking it and inspecting it. "Open it." Tsukishima said. (Y/n) finally opened it and gasped when she saw what was inside.

The small box contained locket that contained a photo of the two of them. (Y/n) also realized that this locket was one of the expensive kinds. She looked up at Tsukishima with wide eyes on how he had gotten enough money for this gift.

The male noticed the expression the girl was giving her and answered, "The reason why I kept avoiding you was because I took a job to earn the money for the necklace.." as he avoided the gaze and scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

A few seconds passed and he didn't get a response, so he thought his lover hated the gift and him, and decided to just walk back to class in shame. Before he managed to even go down the stairs, he felt someone knocking into his back and wrap their arms around him.

He turned his head and saw the girl digging her face into his back and she tightened her arms around him. (Y/n) said something, but her words were muffled.

"Huh?" Tsukishima questioned as he couldn't understand what the (blonde/brunette/etc.) had said. She then lifted her head off of him and repeated her words with a blush, "I forgive you..".

The blonde showed a small smile and turned his body towards the (blonde/brunette/etc.) and hugged her. "But don't do that ever again, please." The girl said as she looked up at the male with a grin.

"Thank you."


Izumi-chan: what the heck.

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._
Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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