Commission (Tendo x Shy!Artsy!reader)

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Requested by: phi1p0xph0bi4

Izumi: double update ! bc i want to finish this book so badly lol

guys i just realized im like ushijima because i am an honest and blunt person 😳



(Y/n) was currently finishing up the last package of merchandise on her room floor that is to be sent tomorrow.

Thank you for purchasing from my store! ♡  she wrote on a small piece of paper with a small doodle before placing the note in package and sealing it with tape.

"Finally! I'm done!" she exclaimed before immediately lying down on the floor. She took her phone from the side and noticed she got a notification in Instagram.

"Hello! Can I request a commission?" the message said. She looked at the username and it reads @/guessmonster_

She got into a sitting position as the message loaded into the private messages.

"Yep! What would you like to commission?" she typed back.

The person then stated which character from which anime they would want with all the other requirements.

I noticed that you're Japanese! which part of Japan are you from 👀👀

(Y/n) contemplated if she should reveal where she lives, but it's not like she's telling them her exact location. The chances of meeting someone from the same area are low anyways, it will be fine.


Oh?! I live in Miyagi too!

The chances are low, but never zero..

Oh! If it's not too personal, what school are you from?

'This person can't be from the same school, right? There's no way." (Y/n) thought before she received another message. She guessed that she was taking too long to reply that the person told them their school first.

I'm from Shiratorizawa Academy!


"What the f-" (Y/n) stopped herself from cursing before replying back.

No way.. I go to Shiratorizawa too??!! :00

Really?? That's amazing! What a small world we live in

Oh by the way, since we're from the same school, is it possible if you hand me the drawing? Oh! and do you also have some keychains of the character too? I'd like to buy one please!

(Y/n) looked around the mess she created just now to see that she does in fact have some extra keychains lying around.

Yep! It will add to the total price of course.

Sweet! When do you think you will be done? Let's meet behind the school gym after school! The one the Boys' Volleyball Club uses

(Y/n) stared at the screen as she pondered if she should. "What if they stalk me? Wait...."

In the end, she decided she would meet up with the person just to see who it was, and maybe to make a new friend too.

Alright! I think I'll take the weekend to complete it, so Monday?

Cool! I'll see you then!

See you!

(Y/n) then placed down her phone before lying back on the floor, staring at the ceiling and imagining how the process of meeting up with the person will go.


Ah, she forgot that she's shy, especially to new people.

==T I M E S K I P==

Monday finally came and (Y/n) was still not mentally prepared to meet this mysterious person.

She already finished the drawing and packed it together with the keychain.

Lessons went by quickly and before she knew it, it was already after school.

She walked slowly to the gym to stall time and to do some last minute mental preparations.

But because she didn't want to make the person wait any longer, and to get this over with, she walked slightly faster to the meeting area.

Once she reached there, she sees this tall guy with red spiky hair leaning against the wall. He noticed her from the corner of his eye and said, "Ah! Are you (your-username)?"

Confirming that that is the guy, she walked closer to him. "Mhm, and you're guessmonster?" "Yep!"

(Y/n) couldn't help but to stare at him because of his cute nature. She just wanted to hold him there and pat his head.

Because of that, she almost forgot that she's there for business and blushed from embarrassment. "A-Ah! Here's the stuff you asked for.." she said as she took out the package from her bag and handed it to him.

He took out the drawing from the package and was in awe. "Wow! It's amazing!" he complimented.

(Y/n) got more shy and blushed even harder. "T-Thank you.." she said softly.

"Ah, here's the money." he said as he paid her for her hard work.

"So! What's your name? My name is Tendo Satori, from class 3-2!" he introduced himself proudly.

"I'm (L/n) (Y/n), class 2-4." she answered.


Izumi: i dont know how to end LOL

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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