When Reader is stressed (Karasuno x reader)

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Izumi: bc im currently in my final year i am stressed af and i have no one to turn to to talk about this :') so im relying on my imagination to keep me sane. enjoy my imagination put into words

*btw since its based on what I'm feeling, I usually ruffle my hair/fidget(?) and/or cry when i feel stressed/frustrated. fun fact.

**no gender is used here, so its gender neutral, i think


When reader is stressed/frustrated from their homework: KARASUNO edition

@ the character's home, doing homework together

- he notices your gestures of tapping the pen constantly on your as if to force the answer out of your head and how you're biting your lips very hard in frustration

- my thoughts say that he would hug you from the back to comfort you.

- he would probably stay there until you calm down, might even do his work while at it

- or maybe until you just give up and cuddle up into him.

- a personal teddy bear that i would like to have irl

- somewhere along the line his mom instincts tingle

- he looks up to see you close to tears as you held your head in a tight grip

- immediately gets up from his seat to go beside you and brings you into a hug.

- "Do you want to talk about it?" he asks as he puts your head into the crook between his neck and shoulder while caressing your back

- would end up lying down on the floor with you while talking about life

- he sees how constantly ruffle your hair in frustration as you stare at the assignment in front of you

- I have a feeling he would prepare some tea/drinks for you

- might prepare some snacks too (for you to stress eat on)

- would sit beside you, also enjoying the food he brought while patting your head like you would to a kitten/puppy

- once you're done with your drink and/or food, he would open his arms and you would climb into his lap and snuggle into his warmth.

- personal teddy bear #2

- supportive af

- hears you say "I give up. I can't do this."

- will give you a motivational speech about how you are so strong and a piece of assignment can't bring you down.

"You can do it, (Y/n)! If you can overcome the hardships in life, you can overcome this stupid school assignment!!"

- And if that doesn't motivate you I don't know what will.

- rewards you with ice cream afterwards

- also supportive af

- hears you say "I can't do this." and will hype you the f up

- Saeko might even join in on the hyping part once she hears Tanaka's loud voice

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