Third-Wheel (Kuroo x reader)

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"Do I really have to commeee?" Kuroo whined while he and his girlfriend were walking through the streets.

"This is the 7th time you've asked me, and yes you have to. He's going too, y'know?" (Y/n) stated with her arm around Kuroo's, slightly dragging him to the train station. "You've already come this far anyways, so you might as well just come along, right?"

"I'd rather have the 15 minute walk home actually."

(Y/n) was about to scold the male when she heard her name being called.


She looked in front to see the familiar girl with long brown hair and her tall boyfriend beside her.

"Mika!" the two girls hugged each other when they had finally met up at the train station.

"Snake bastard." "Rooster-hair bastard." meanwhile, their boyfriends were glaring at each other.

"I miss you so much!" "I miss you too!" the girls were still catching up with each other, not bothering to look at their boyfriends.

"I should've made plans when I heard that you were gonna be here." "I don't even want to be here, especially when I have to see your face for the whole day."

"Let's go!"

Kuroo and Daishou were pulled out of their banter to see (Y/n) and Mika hand-in-hand, walking away from them. Seems like they were too indulged in their conversation to remember that their boyfriends had come along with them.

The two males glanced at each other with an eyebrow raised before turning back and lightly jogged to their respective girlfriend's side.


"Oh! Look at that!" the two girls quickly made their way to a shop in the mall that had clothes on display. "That outfit would look good on you, (Y/n)!" "You think so?"

The girls discussed about the outfit for a few more seconds before deciding to enter the shop. Kuroo and Daishou followed them not far behind.

Looking through the racks of clothes, they picked the ones they wanted to try and went inside the changing rooms.

"Tetsu, do I look nice in this?" (Y/n) opened the door of the changing room with the new clothing on her body. "You look nice in anything, (N/n)." Kuroo complimented while eyeing his girlfriend up and down.

"Thank you for the compliment, Tetsu." she smiled, "But really, does this fit me?" Kuroo spent the next few seconds pretending to be pondering, but instead he was checking her out again. Before he could give his opinion though, Mika decided to say her's instead. "That looks so cute on you!" she herself had just exited the changing room and decided to see what her best friend was trying out out of curiosity.

"Really? Thanks! I might get this one after all." the (h/c-ette) thanked. "You look great too!" "Thanks!"

They then went back inside their respective changing rooms to change into another piece of clothing while Kuroo was still standing there, staring.

He pouted that he wasn't even able to say what he thought about it..


"Say "ahh"."

After walking around for a while, the gang decided to take a break at a restaurant. The couples sat across each other, and that meant that the males had to sit facing each other. They glare at each other whenever they take a bite of their food or a sip of their drink.

(Y/n) saw how delicious-looking Mika's food was and asked for a bite.

And that's how them feeding each other began.

'Are we..third-wheeling?' the boys thought while glancing at each other with a deadpan expression while animated hearts were floating around the girls.


"Thanks for today!" "See you next time!"

After hours of hanging out with each other, they finally went their separate ways back home. (Y/n) was already reminiscing about the memories she had made that day and Kuroo was looking down.

"We should go back to that restaurant one day! The food was so good and..." (Y/n)'s words trailed off when she noticed her boyfriend was oddly quiet. "Tetsu, are you okay?"

A few seconds of silence between the two passed before said male brought his head up. "(Y/n), you love me, right?" She looked at him bewildered. "What? Of course!"

She stopped in her tracks and he followed. "I don't know what's going on in your head, but I will always love you," she pulled his head towards her and gave him a peck on the forehead. "okay?"

Recovering from the shock, Kuroo's expression became gentle. "Okay."


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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