Pretty Girl! (Hoshiumi x reader)

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Requested by: claummy_

Izumi: i barely know kamomedai as of now but i think i love hirugami. just sayin'



"(Y/n), do you want to check out the t-shirts they're selling?" Hoshiumi Kourai asked (Y/n), Kamomedai's manager and also his girlfriend.

They were waiting for the match before them to end. "Sure! I might even get one for myself." (Y/n) replied.

The two then made their way to where the booths were.

While Hoshiumi was looking for the shirt he wanted, (Y/n) went to the booth next to the one he was at.

"Could I get that in 'S' size?" Hoshiumi asked the seller at the shirt booth as he referred to the "Grit and Laughter" shirt before paying for it.

As he was waiting to receive the packed shirt, he felt someone's gaze on him. He looked to the side to see an orange haired boy slightly shorter than him, staring at him.

Despite only meeting each other a few seconds ago, they ended up having a staring contest.

The taller boy beside the orange haired spoke, "Um, what? Do you know him, Hinata?"

The orange haired boy, now known as Hinata, replied, "No.." as his stare intensified.

Whilst this was happening, a tall black haired boy walked up to the booth Hoshiumi was at before noticing the latter. "Oh, Hoshiumi-san. Hi."

Hoshiumi then breaks eye contact with Hinata and glances behind towards Kagayama. "Oh hey, Kageyama. How'd your match go?" he asked.

"We won." Kageyama said as he picked out a shirt he wants.

"Ah, congrats." Hoshiumi replied.


"So... do you know him, Kageyama?" the other tall boy, Yamaguchi, asked his teammate.

"We were at the youth camp together. This is Hoshiumi-san." Kageyama introduced the white haired wing spiker.

Hinata and Yamaguchi were shocked when "youth camp" was mentioned.

"So they're on your team." Hoshiumi commented.

"Yup." Kageyama replied as he took the plastic bag from the seller that contained the shirt he just bought.

Hoshiumi walks up to Hinata after taking his shirt and tilted his head up to stare down at him. "What position do you play?" he asked.

"Middle blocker"

Hoshiumi's eyebrows furrowed. "How tall are you?"


"What's your running vertical?"


Hoshiumi then held back a smile as he beat Hinata in the running vertical.

"Kourai! Are you done yet?" (Y/n) called out as she came from the other booth.

"Oh! A pretty girl!" Hinata suddenly blurted out before realizing that he in fact did not say it to himself.

(Y/n) noticed that Hinata referred to her, since he was looking at her, so she gave him a small smile and waved. This caused the three Karasuno members to blush at her gesture.

Soon, Hoshiumi too noticed that it referred to (Y/n), and instantly went into protective mode. He immediately went in between (Y/n) and the Karasuno members and exclaimed, "Oi oi! She's already taken! Stay away from her!" whilst having a glare on his face.

In the midst of this happening, Hirugami came. "Kourai-kun, (Y/n)-chan, what are you doing? The game before ours is almost over." he said in a calm voice.

The two acknowledged him. "Well, see ya, Kageyama." Hoshiumi said.

"Ossu." Kageyama replied with a nod before Hoshiumi took (Y/n)'s hand and walked away with Hirugami. 

Before they got that far, Hoshiumi looked back at Hinata and Yamaguchi and gave them a glare, causing the two to stiffen at the gaze.

"Make sure I don't get yelled at, too." Hirugami said. 

"I didn't want the "Grit and Laughter" T-Shirt to sell out." Hoshiumi said.

"Don't worry. I'm pretty sure it's not that high in demand." Hirugami stated.

"Why wouldn't it be?!" Hoshiumi was held back by (Y/n) before he could pounce on the middle blocker.

"Anyways, did something happen between them and (Y/n)-chan? Why were you shouting at them?" Hirugami asked. Hoshiumi's face went a bit red as he looked away. His grip on (Y/n)'s hand tightened.

When Hirugami sensed that he wouldn't get a response, he looked towards (Y/n). "Ah, one of them just called me pretty." she said nonchalantly since the both of them knew how protective Hoshiumi would be towards her.




Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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