Childhood friend (Nishinoya x reader)

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Requested By: Gokubu

i think i have failed you im sorry

Izumi: yall i just realized i have like 3 Haikyuu stories in my drafts. im excited to write and post them but i have like 5?? other stories too sjsdksksljksdj pls stop me

grab some popcorn because this chapter is a long one.


(D/n) - dog name



Elementary school

"WAHH!" a young Nishinoya was running down the sidewalk while screaming. Screaming from excitement? From happiness? No, it was from fear. A dog was chasing him, more specifically a Shiba Inu puppy.

Nishinoya was walking home from school alone when suddenly a bark was heard. He turned and saw that the a Shiba Inu was running towards him. 

Being a small innocent boy, he thought that the dog was angry and wanted to bite him. So what did young Nishinoya do? He ran for his life.

Meanwhile. . .

"(D/n)! (D/n)!" a young (Y/n) was looking for her Shiba Inu puppy that she accidentally let the leash go off. She asked her mother if she could walk the dog to the park. She was allowed to, just on the condition that she comes back before it gets dark.

(Y/n) just continued running straight to where she thinks the dog went.

"WAHHH!" she heard someone scream, followed by a high-pitched bark. "(D/n)!" she exclaimed before running towards where she heard the scream come from.

Reaching her destination, she noticed it was the park she planned to go to. She saw a boy around her age standing on a park bench and her puppy barking up at the boy. Luckily the puppy was too small to "bite" the boy. 

She ran towards them before scooping it up into her arms. "I'm sorry about my dog scaring you.. It's not properly tamed yet. We just go it a few days ago. I'm sorry.." (Y/n) said as she bowed to apologise and turned away to go home.

"W-Wait!" Nishinoya called out before (Y/n) could leave. He jumped off the bench. "M-My name is Nishinoya Yuu! W-What's your name?!" he stuttered as couldn't help but feel shy in front of the cute girl in front of him.

"H-Hm? I'm (L/n) (Y/n)! Nice to meet you, Nishinoya-kun!" she said before bowing slightly.

Middle school (1st year)

"(Y/n)!" she heard someone shout down the hallway.

(Y/n) paused talking to her friends and looked back to see Nishinoya running towards them. "Yes, Noya-kun?" she asked.

"Do you wanna eat lunch with me?" he asked with a wide grin. (Y/n) looked at her friends and they said they didn't mind, so she accepted the invite.

They decided to eat at one of the benches available outside of the school building.

"Did you already join a club?" Nishinoya asked before stuffing his face with his food. "Nope, neither of the clubs interest me.." (Y/n) replied before eating her food.

"Join the Volleyball club with me!" Nishinoya exclaimed. " "With you" ? But isn't it a Boys'  Volleyball Club? Also, it's been a month since they recruited, are you sure I can still join?" (Y/n) asked.

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