How? (Hanamaki x Reader)

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Izumi: i told myself to distance away from jojo for one (1) day, so what did i do? Immediately read jojo fanfics the second after.



"I can't believe (L/n)-chan has a boyfriend! Who is it anyways?" Oikawa whined when he sat with his friends during lunch. They were gathering in Hanamaki's class and Oikawa was talking about the school's idol, (Y/n). She's part of a well-known idol group in Japan and is currently studying at Aoba Johsai.

"(L/n) (Y/n)?" Iwaizumi clarified to keep the conversation going and Oikawa nodded. "Ah, it's me."

Their heads whipped towards the one who was talking, Hanamaki Takahiro. "Huh? You?" the group was confused. "Haha that's funny, Makki. But do you even know who she is? I thought you don't know much about idols?"

"I don't , but she is my girlfriend." "Liar." Matsukawa immediately disagreed.

Hanamaki took out his phone and went to the photo gallery and turned the screen to his friends, who just watched him scroll through the photos. They just see a bunch of selfies (mostly taken by (Y/n) ) and he accidentally showed one photo that was supposed to be only for his eyes. "Oh- shi- oops." he cussed and quickly took his phone back while his friends were still trying to process what they just saw.

"...How did you guys meet?" "Weeeeeell,"


How did they meet?

Hanamaki was heading to the rooftop for lunch with his friends. He didn't have any food with him so he took a quick trip to the cafeteria for some food and headed his way up the stairs.

At the same time, (Y/n) was heading down the same flight of stairs with her friends while they were talking about what had happened in their class in the morning.

Too distracted with the conversation, (Y/n) accidentally missed a step and ended up falling. "Ah!" "(Y/n)!"

Bracing for impact, she closed her eyes and unconsciously held her breath. "Eh?" She felt pressure around her abdomen and not her face hitting smacking the ground. Looking down, she saw that it was an arm and trailed her eyes up the said arm to see the person connected to it. "Are you okay?" Hanamaki asked.

"Ah, um." (Y/n) tried to find an answer but she couldn't help but to get flustered. After finally realizing what's going on, she got back to her feet and tried to flatten all the wrinkles on her uniform down. "Thank you.." she muttered but loud enough for the male to hear.

"No problem. Be careful." he said before continuing heading towards the rooftop.

'...Who is he?'

How did they get closer?

Suddenly getting the craving for his favourite snack, Hanamaki headed to the local bakery to get some cream puffs.

"Welcome!" the cashier greeted from behind the counter and Hanamaki greeted back with a nod before looking through all the goods. "Ah, it's you again!" he turned towards the voice to see the girl he saved from falling the other day. "Ah, hello." he greeted.

"Hello!" she greeted back enthusiastically. "Thanks again for saving me. What's your name, by the way?"

"Isn't it rude to ask someone for their name before telling your own?" this shocked the (h/c) haired girl. "You don't know...who I am?" she asked confusedly. This time, the male was the shocked one. "No?" he raised an eyebrow. "Am I supposed to?" he expected the girl to get hurt from it, but instead, she showed a relieved smile. "No, that's wonderful. I'm (L/n) (Y/n), from class 2-5."

How did they get together?

Ever since they ran into each other at the bakery, (Y/n) managed to convince Hanamaki to trade contacts with each other. (Y/n) was the one to send the first message and somehow managed to start multiple conversations with the male. Sometimes, even Hanamaki would start a conversation, but only if it's at 3 in the morning.

So one moment at midnight, (Y/n) was staring at her phone in her hands. She had typed out a long paragraph to confess her feelings to the man she has been talking to for the past few weeks. "Come on, just hit send." she tried to pump herself up with her finger hovering over the send button on the screen.

"Just...send!" she finally sent the message, but it was at the same time when Hanamaki got online. "He's online??" (Y/n) quickly closed the app, off her phone, and went to bed. 'I'll just deal with this tomorrow.'

E N D / O F / F L A S H B A C K

He was about to continue his story when a classmate called out to him. "Hanamaki-san! Someone's calling for you!" the group turned towards the door of the classroom and recognized the figure.

"Hiro! Here's your bento." (Y/n) entered the classroom and placed the wrapped bento onto the table. "Thank you, (n/n)." Hanamaki gave a small peck on her cheek and he received one too, before his lover left the classroom.

"...Hanamaki you lucky son of a-"


Izumi: i got dragged to watch sk8 and all i hear is dio and avdol i swear

I guess i cant escape from jojo

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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