Comforting Reader (Aoba Johsai)

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Izumi: im slowly giving up-


SCENARIO: (Y/n) is upset at night, and [character] decides to comfort them

(Y/n) is gender-neutral (so inform me if i accidentally use a he/him or she/her pronoun ty)

in most scenarios you are living together. and not all relationships are romantic, it can be platonic too.


- whether he was woken up before or after he went to sleep, whether he was beside you physically or blocks away from your home, he would be by your side in no time

- he'd bring a blanket and lead you to your backyard (imagine you have one)

- he'd lay it down on the ground neatly so that you two could lie down on it

- stargazing, that's his plan

- if you want, you can talk to him about your thoughts

- but you can just stare at the sky with oikawa beside you in silence too


- when he received the message from you, he immediately asked if he could call you as if he was there physically

- you actually rejected the idea because you wouldn't want to talk at all, but he said he didn't mind being the only one talking and didn't mind knowing your thoughts through texts

*reads what (Y/n) had typed* "Ah, I see.. Well-"

- he's doing his best to be there for you even if not physically



- he'd bring out his badass ride (aka his bicycle) and tells you to hop on the moment you say "hey, makki, can i talk to you about something? i cant sleep.."

- cycling in the dark streets, only lit up by the moon and lamp posts, with the sound of crickets and a few car engines in the background

- road and street empty due to people already being at home and probably asleep unlike you too

- takes a trip to the convenience store at 2.30 am too

- after getting your food from the store, you two would sit on the bench outside

- then he finally asks you about what was keeping you awake while eating his instant noodles


- he woke up to your shaking and turned to his side


- when listening to you letting out your thoughts and feelings, he changed his position so that he would rest his head against hand and his elbow against the bed.

- honestly it was an an attractive sight but now was not the time to be admiring him buddy

- when needed, he would give his own two cents from his perspective

- if not, he would be comforting you through caressing your arm, sides, hand, head, anywhere by soft touches basically.


- just like oikawa, he would be there for you the second you asked if he could lend an ear

- "(Y/n)! I'm here!" he said in the voice message sent to you, until he realized that it was late at night and he was probably disturbing the neighbours

"Ah, sorry. I'm already here." he sent another voice message, this time he whispered

- when he entered your home, he had your favourite meal from the fast food chain or convenience store with him

- he'd make you as comfortable as he could in your own home


- just like matsukawa, he would suggest a call with you since he thought that it might be better to hear each other's voices

- he wouldn't mind also reading your words instead of hearing them directly from you

- if you were to type instead, he would send his response through voice message so that at least you could hear his voice and hope that it would bring you some comfort through your tough time


- kindaichi woke up to receiving a message from (y/n) in the middle of the night

- he reached for his phone and looked at the message with half-opened eyes

" gonna type something and its okay if you answer me in the morning since youre probably asleep right now? I cant sleep."

"Arent u supposed to sleeping?"

- he could barely type a proper sentence after having just woke up

- "oh! I didnt expect you to actually be awake"

"I woke up from your message"

- feeling bad, (y/n) tried to dismiss the situation by telling him that he could go back to sleep and that they would just message him in the morning

- but sensing that something was going on in their head, kindaichi decided to stay until (y/n) felt better or until they decided to sleep

even if he had accidentally fall asleep at some point


- just like kindaichi, kunimi was not expecting a message to appear from you at 1 in the morning. so he responded to the first thing he thought of

"hey, you awake?"

"aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

- not like he was any better at having a decent sleep schedule

- nonetheless, he'd spend the rest of the night with you through the messenger app


- he woke up when you opened the door of your shared bedroom

- silently follows you minutes later when you didn't return back to the bed

- he sees you sitting on the sofa with a cup of water on the coffee table

- "Kentaro?" y/n called when they notice his presence

"Ah, um. You good..?"

- he honestly doesn't trust his words. so when you talk, he just listens the entire time and nods occasionally so you know he's paying attention

- holds your hand and refuses to let go until you're both back in bed


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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