Catch up (Ukai x reader)

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Izumi: i dont remember anything about the store and i refuse to watch back the episodes to know about it.



It was another day at the Sakanoshita store with Ukai sitting behind the cash register. As usual, he was reading a newspaper and smoking a cigarette while waiting for customers to enter the store.

The door opened and in came a woman about the same age as him. "Welcome." he greeted without even glancing at the newcomer..

"Oh? Keishin, is that you?" the said male's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. He finally looked up from his newspaper and saw someone he hasn't seen in years. '(H/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, that face, is that-' "(Y/n)?"

"Oh! It is you!" the person, now known as (Y/n), exclaimed. "I knew I recognized that face somewhere!" she said as she got closer to the counter.

Upon closer inspection, she seemed taller than how she was compared to high school, and she in general matured a lot. "Didn't expect you to be here, honestly. Oh! And you dyed your hair too! And you're smoking?" she commented.

"Ah.. yeah.." Ukai didn't know how to respond. "Ah, didn't you move to Tokyo during high school? What are you doing here back in Miyagi?" he asked.

"Ah, I have a scheduled appointment at the hospital here. Wanted to get a snack before it." she explained. "Ah? Are you okay? What happened?" Ukai asked worriedly. The (h/c)-ette was confused at what he meant before realizing. "Ah! I'm fine." she replied, now the blonde was the confused one. "I'm the doctor."

The male was shocked. The girl who used to be the most average and quiet person that was his classmate that no one would take a second glance at, turned out to be a mature and smart woman years later? Who knew..


"Yeah!" she enthusiastically responded. "I transferred to another high school in Tokyo and went to a college there too. I took the medical course."

'And even with the few years left after college, she has managed to climb up the ranks to be called by another prefecture? Impressive..' he thought.

"Oh, right. I have to be there soon. I better get the food quickly." she said before quickly walking away to look around the store.

While she was looking around, the door opened again to show the Karasuno team. "Coach! Pork Buns please!" "Be quiet!"

" "Coach"?" (Y/n) repeated to herself at what she had heard the newcomer exclaimed.


After getting the things she needed, she went back to the cashier to pay for her items.

The teens seem to be walking around the store to find whatever they need, so it was just the two of them in that area.

While Ukai was scanning each item, (Y/n) voiced out her suspicions. "So, you're a coach now?" the blonde froze for a second before answering her, "A-Ah, yeah."

"I didn't expect you to coach for a volleyball team, honestly. You didn't seem that passionate in high school. But then again, I left Karasuno quite early.." she pointed out while Ukai was shocked. "Ah, I saw one of them just now. The jacket said "Karasuno's Volleyball Club" at the back." he just nodded in understanding.

After getting her items in a bag and paying for them, she walked towards the exit. "Well, I hope we can go out some time, Keishin. It would be nice to catch up with each other." she said. "Yeah. What about this Saturday? WIll you still be around then?" Ukai asked.

The (h/c)-ette walked back to the cashier. "Ah, that's nice timing. I'm leaving then in the evening." She then took out her phone. "Let's trade numbers. I think I accidentally deleted yours years ago, sorry." she apologized.

The two then exchanged numbers before (Y/n) left to where she had to go.

"Coach, was that your girlfriend?"

The coach whipped his head around to the voice. There, he sees the team hiding behind one of the shelves.


Izumi: violet evergarden the movie left me satisfied yet at the same time not. like i wanted to see what happened afterwards?? but it just ended there??

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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