Admiration (Hinata x reader)

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Izumi-chan: '《》' means my, the author's, comments.


(s/c) - skin colour



(Y/n) is one of the top 5 girl aces in the whole of Japan despite being in the first year of high school. She has competed in a lot of competitions, whether it was in or out of Japan.

Currently, she is heading to her school since she just came back from an overseas competition and because her brother had forgotten to pick her up from the airport. (Y/n) was stomping her feet slightly in anger towards the gym because she had waited at the airport for quite awhile.

When she reached the gym, she slammed the door open and shouted out, "NII-CHAN!" as she stomped her way onto the court (with her little feet). Everyone present there turned towards the shorter girl 《I'm so sorry》 as they heard someone stutter out "(Y-Y/n).."

It turns out to be their ace, Asahi Azumane. "You know her, Asahi-senpai?" Hinata asked his senior. "She's Asahi's little sister, (Y/n) Azumane." Daichi answered for the ace who was being nagged at by his little sister.

"Wait, she's Asahi-senpai's little sister?! THE (Y/n) is his little sister?!" Kageyama exclaimed as realization hit him. "What do you mean, Kageyama?"
Hinata asked his friend. "Don't you know, idiot?! She is one of the top 5 girl aces in Japan!" Kageyama explained to the orange-haired crow as he shook the latter back and forth by the collar.

"EHH?! TOP 5?!" Hinata exclaimed as well as he broke free from Kageyama's grasp and ran towards the younger ace. "Ne ne, Azumane-san!" The cheerful crow called out, causing both siblings to turn towards him.

"Hai (Yes)?" (Y/n) responded. "You're one of the top 5 girl aces in Japan, right?! Can you show us some of your skills?!" Hinata practically screamed at your face in excitement, causing you to flinch back.

"Sure! Let's play match then so I can get to know all of you!" (Y/n) suggested.


Your team consists of Sugawara, Daichi, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Tanaka and yourself. The other team consists of Kageyama, Nishinoya, Hinata, Asahi, Narita and Ennoshita. 《I'm sorry Kinoshita》When the match started, you were the first to serve. 

You bounced the ball a couple of times before tossing it high into the air and hitting it to the other court. The ball was about the hit the ground if it wasn't for Nishinoya, who got low to receive the ball. 

Ukai noticed Nishinoya stumbled a little before going back to his position and focusing back on the ball. As Ukai looked back towards the other court, his jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes widened as he saw (Y/n) is the air, about to spike the volleyball onto the other court.

Her (s/c) arm went down like a whip as she smacked the ball onto the floor of the opposite court. Everyone on and off the court were surprised and silence filled the atmosphere. The only sound was the ball continuing to bounce.

"That.." Hinata started as he was staring at (Y/n), who was just looking at the others with a confused look. "..was..." Nishinoya continued, doing the same as the orange haired wing spiker. "AWESOME!" Tanaka exclaimed as the previous mentioned two joined in.

The three of them then dashed towards (Y/n) who stepped back from the close distance between them. Asahi, being the protective big brother he is, stepped in front of (Y/n) who was slowly feeling afraid of the trio.

"Guys, you're scaring her.." Sugawara stated as he saw how creepily the trio was walking towards you. "Oh, sorry.." the three of them said as they stepped away from the two siblings.

"I-It's fine.." you said as you released your grip on Asahi and walked towards the three of them. After a short moment of complete silence, Hinata began asking "Ne ne, (Y/n)-senpai-" before he got cut off.

" 'Senpai'? Aren't I the same age as you? I'm in the first year.." (Y/n) mentioned, making Hinata even more excited. "That's cool! You're just a first year and you can already compete in national competitions?! By the way, can you train me to be as amazing as you?" Hinata exclaimed as he was basically bouncing on the ball of his feet.

You smiled as you said "Sure!" with a cheerful tone. Hinata then held both of your wrists and basically dragged you towards the back of the court. Asahi was a distance away, worrying for his sister. "(Y/n)-chan will be fine." He heard Suga said. "I hope so.." Asahi muttered.


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- boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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