Comfort (Brother!Oikawa x reader)

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Requested By: feelinpeachykeenn

Izumi: i did my best

gUYS i have an aoba johsai x manager reader book in my drafts. when should i publish it? pls help me i think the manga is ****** and i really miss my seijoh bois 🥺

update: the book is up!


(Lo/n) - lover's name

-- if you choose someone from Haikyuu then choose someone from Aoba Johsai

-- no gender specified for them



'I can't believe it. I can't believe we actually ended our 11 month relationship..' I thought as I entered my room and dropped my bag onto the floor carelessly before flopping onto my bed face down.

" "You were too clingy. Sorry." Yea that "Sorry" would make me feel better right now." I grumbled over their break up text into my pillow.

I turned to lay on my back and stared at the ceiling, thinking back on what happened less than an hour ago.


I was walking around the empty hallways of Aoba Johsai, looking for (Lo/n). I wanted to ask them if they wanted to hang out after school, which is now. At this point, the students have either gone home or gone to their clubs.

I asked them through text during lunch, but they haven't replied me yet. Weird, considering they're a fast responder.

As I reached the 3rd level of the school, I received a text. I took out my phone and looked who sent me the message.

It was them!

I smiled as I excitedly opened the message, only for the smile to disappear as quickly as it came.

Hey, lets break up. It's been great being in a relationship with you for the past 11 months, but you were too clingy for me. Sorry.

I just stared at the message, trying to process it. Thinking I didn't read it correctly, I read the message again, but slower.

Nope, I read the message right. I wasn't wrong, unfortunately.

I didn't hold back and just let my tears fall. I didn't sob though, which was weird in my opinion.

I quickly head to the nearest washroom and washed my face to rid the tears. I looked up into the mirror to see myself. Red nose, teary eyes.

I just let out a big sigh before heading home

E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K

And now we're here.

I heard the house front door opening and closing before hearing footsteps heading towards my room.

"(Y/n)? Are you home?" I heard Tooru ask as he knocked on my door. "Yeah." I replied back, soft but loud enough for him to hear.

"What do you want for dinner? I'm ordering." he asked. I thought about it, but realized that I actually don't have the appetite for anything.

"I'm not eating tonight. Not hungry." I said. "Eh? What if I buy (fav/food) for you?" he asked. "I'll eat it tomorrow then."

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