Date (Kenma x reader)

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Izumi-chan: '《》' means my, the author's, comments.

edit (16 Nov 2020): Part 2 - Locked (Kenma x reader)


"Hm, what should I wear today?" You rummaged through your closet to find the perfect outfit for your date with your boyfriend, Kenma Kozume. He had confessed to you a few weeks ago through your phone while you were chatting with him. You smiled at the thought of him showing his romantic side to you only.

Your phone sounded to alert you that you had a notification. You checked your phone and saw that you had received a message from the one and only, Kenma.

From: Kenmaaa

I'll be arriving at your house in 10 minutes, be ready by then. See you.

'10 minutes?!' realizing you had no more time to goof around, you picked out (any attire) and quickly changed into it. Right after changing, the doorbell rang. You opened it to reveal a male with cat-like golden colored eyes and blonde hair with black roots.

He looked up from his video game to look into your (e/c) hues. "Ready?" he asked in a slightly monotone voice. You smiled at him while nodding your head. You then closed the door to your house and proceeded to head to the nearest movie theater to watch (movie-name).



Not from a far, we can see the Nekoma volleyball team hiding behind a wall, looking at their setter and his date. During practice, they had noticed Kenma left early, which is very unsual for him to do so. Despite the saying "curiosity kills the cat" 《wink wink》, they decide to follow the setter.

And that's how they ended up here. "Is that Kenma's girlfriend?" Lev asked as he peeked from his hiding spot. "I guess so, she looks cute.." Yamamoto said with a slight blush as he checked you out.

"Hey, they're already entering the theatre." Kuroo noticed as he saw both of you walked away from the counter with your snacks and proceeded to follow, along with the rest of the group.


After watching (movie-name), you and Kenma decided to eat at one of your favourite fast food restaurants. However the rest of the Nekoma volleyball team was still following the couple.

While walking to the restaurant, you used your phone to check if you were still being followed by taking a picture. "Are they still following us?" Kenma asked as he was finding the fast food restaurant.

"Yep.." you sighed as you saw their figures behind a wall in the picture. Kenma noticed your annoyance and decided to comfort you, by holding your hand. You jumped slightly from the sudden contact but you calmed down when you realized it was Kenma's doing.

"Don't mind them, (Y/n). Let's just enjoy our date, like we planned." Kenma said as he showed a small smile, the one he only shows to you. You smiled back at him and responded "Yeah, let's go!" as you pulled him towards the fast food restaurant.

Even when eating together, you couldn't do it peacefully. You would always see one of the volleyball members take a photo of you two from a distance. Kenma, once again, noticed how you started to get frustrated by his teammates, so he decided to cheer you up.

"Hey, (Y/n), do you want to get some ice cream later?" he asked with slight concern in his voice. You looked at him with a glint in your eyes as you heard 'ice cream'. You tried to control your excitement and responded with a nod instead of a scream. He smiled at your reaction and stood up to return the trays.


As you two were going home, you said to him. "Thanks for the date, Kenma. I enjoyed it." as you wrapped your short arms around his skinny figure, into a warm and loving hug.

You immediate turned to the side and shouted "Show yourselves already!" as you noticed a camera flash going off at the corner of your eye. Not long after, you heard the bushes rustle and out came the Nekoma boys' volleyball team.

"How did you know we were there?" Lev asked, bewildered. "We've noticed you this whole time.." Kenma answered with an unamused face. The whole team deadpanned as they feel disappointed that they weren't as sneaky as they thought.


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- boredom_is_here

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas

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