Before you go (Kita x Bubbly!reader)

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"Shiiiinsuuuke!" (Y/n) glomped Kita from the back and wrapped her arms around his neck loosely. "Sorry to keep you waiting!" Kita smiled as he placed his hands over hers. "It's fine. I didn't wait for that long." he said. "Liar!" (Y/n) said as she removed her arms from him and took a step back.

"I know how you work, Shinsuke.You always arrive at least 15 minutes earlier." (Y/n) said as she gave a pout with her hands on her hips. Kita just smiled and walked towards (Y/n).

He grabbed her hands and brought it towards their faces. "Well, I especially don't mind waiting long for you."

Unintentionally, or intentionally, Kita made (Y/n) blush.

"L-Let's just go before it gets late!" (Y/n) stuttered before leading the way with her hand still wrapped around her lover's.


"Are you really going to be away for the week?" (Y/n) whined. The reason they were going out today was because Inarizaki's Boys Volleyball Team were going to Tokyo for the nationals.

They would be staying there for the next few days and (Y/n) wanted to spend as much time as she can with her boyfriend before he leaves.

"Do you reeeeeally have to go?"

"Yes (Y/n), I have to be there too."


They were currently at a cafe waiting for their order. And while waiting, (Y/n) tried to convince Kita to stay since she really didn't want him to leave, even for a few days. The more she tried to convince Kita to stay, the deeper her frown got.

"...I'll miss you though.." she muttered. Kita gave another smile. "Me too."

A tint of red appeared on the (h/c)-ette's cheeks. "You better get me a souvenir though." she added. "I will, but you better not cause any trouble too."

(Y/n) dramatically gasped, "Who do you think I am, Atsumu?" she asked. "No, but you're as chaotic as him sometimes." Kita admitted. "Hey! That's mean!" Kita laughed at (Y/n)'s whine.


"Shinsuke, would I look cute in this?" (Y/n) asked as she held up a piece of clothing against her body. They were now at a clothing shop.

"Mm, you'd look cute in anything, (Y/n)." for the umpteenth time on that day, KIta made (Y/n) feel soft and warm on the inside.


"Hey, I feel bad for that guy with the grey hair. His girlfriend keeps on talking, so noisy."

"Yeah, I know right? He's probably bored of her already haha."

Hearing the not-so-quiet judgmental words, the said girlfriend's mood instantly went down. She knew her personality is the opposite of Kita's, she knew she talks a lot, she knew she's... annoying..

Thinking about those qualities, her mood just got worse. Without realizing, she didn't start anymore conversations, so the two continued walking around the streets in silence.

Kita, being the person he is, noticed something was bothering his lover since usually she would talk about anything she can think of. But now, she's suspiciously silent.

"Hey, (Y/n)." he called. "Hm?" she hummed back in response. 

"Is something bothering you?" he asked despite having an idea on the cause since he too heard the words.

(Y/n) inhaled sharply at the question. She wanted to be honest and tell him what's on her mind, but she didn't want to bother him. She didn't want him to leave her...

"Uhm.." she didn't know how to reply. "Uh..."

"You don't need to change youself, you know? I like the way you are, I like you for you, I like you, (L/n) (Y/n)."


"I'll miss you." (Y/n)'s words were muffled as she buried her face into Kita's chest. 

After the incident earlier that day, (Y/n) felt instantly better from Kita's words. She learnt that she should just be herself and that she shouldn't care what others think about her.

She should just be herself.

Now, they were right in front of (Y/n)'s house. Kita took the responsibility to walk her home so that she would be safe. They hugged one last time before (Y/n) enters the house and before Kita goes out of town for Nationals.

"...(Y/n), do you plan to let go anytime soon?" the grey haired man asked when they've been hugging for a few minutes. "But if I let go then you'll be gone.."

"It's not like I'm going to be gone forever.."

"But it feels like it!"

"Then," he gently pushed away from the hug and cupped her face, "I'll be sure to call you everyday to make sure I'm still here for you."


Izumi: unrelated as usual but 19 days is a really funny comic. i went from chapter 80 to 261 in one day bc its all short panels

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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