Final Author's Note

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honestly, writing these oneshots (and my other stories) made me learn a lot because in the second half of this book after my cringe phase (stil cringy btw, just less), i did as much research i could do to make my story as accurate as possible so that i dont sound like a fool when im wrong lol

e.g. haikyuu characters personalities, their background, what do transgender people go through, making a pizza

it's been apparently 4-5 years since i wrote my first oneshot (missing you - asahi x reader) and like, wow look at how much ive changed. my trash writing became less trash !!11!1

im honestly surprised people would request oneshots from me and would still love it even when i took so long to publish it. i am grateful for everyone's patience. im also thankful for the spamming of votes and comments ❤❤

this has been a wonderful experience to know how oneshots work, and i wish to do more next time! just not haikyuu this time.

see you in my other stories ー( ' ▽ ' )ノ !


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