Movie Night (Akaashi x reader)

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Requested By: technically by lightingclaw288 but months later because i couldnt think of a plot so i turned to Obey Me

Izumi: a part 2 to "Set-Up (Akaashi x reader)" ! you dont really need to read it to understand whats going on in this one, probably



1 year later...

After exchanging numbers with (Y/n), you bet Akaashi got teased by his teammates ever since. They would use (Y/n)'s name to motivate Akaashi whenever he feels like he did a bad job, such as "(L/n) would tell you that you did good" or "What would (L/n) think if she sees you acting like this?", or even just to make him feel embarrassed at random times.

He got the number, but at what cost?

Ever since the practice match between Fukurodani and Nekoma, the two would chat a lot during their free time. It was awkward in the beginning, like their first meeting, but they slowly warmed up to each other and the tension was gone.

At any given moment, one would immediately take out their phone and text something to the other. They could talk to each other for hours about something until early morning. (Y/n) could message him anything random and possibly nonsensical but Akaashi would do his best to answer it logically.

This has been going on for almost a year, and somewhere in between, Akaashi admitted his feelings for (Y/n).

It started off as a friendly chat when the manager suddenly brought up the topic of crushes and Akaashi just... confessed. (Y/n) didn't expect that at all, she just thought they were close friends. But in the end, she accepted his feelings.

Today, they were planning to have a movie night at (Y/n)'s house for a date. Since it was a Saturday, both teams had practice until mid-afternoon., so (Y/n) has to rush home to clean up and prepare the food while waiting for Akaashi to arrive since she didn't have the time to do so before going to practice today. 

So right when practice had ended, (Y/n) quickly did her manager duties and brisk walked out of the gym.

"Why is (L/n)-chan in such a rush?" Yamamoto asked as he looked at her retreating figure. The team shrugged as they too wonder. "She's meeting Akaashi-san."

Everyone turned towards Fukunaga. "I saw her texting Akaashi-san when I wanted to take my water bottle. They're watching a movie at her house." He didn't really mean to invade her privacy, but he couldn't help to peek at what their manager was so focused on.

Kuroo got an idea.

==W I T H / ( Y / N )==

Meanwhile, with our protagonist, she was running around the house to prepare for the movie night. She had cleaned up a bit, made sure everything (visible) was neat and tidy. She had already placed the bagged popcorn kernels in the microwave and the cups for their drinks.

Ding Dong..

"Ah! He's here!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she excitedly ran towards the front door. She ran past a mirror, stopped in her tracks and looked at herself one last time. She was wearing (outfit) for the movie night. She patted down any stray hair, tucked some behind her ear, and finally opened the door.

"Kei...ji?" (Y/n)'s words started off excited but trailed off as she saw not only Akaashi, but the Fukurodani team with him too. "(L/n)-chan! Good evening! How are you?!" Bokuto greeted.

"Um, I'm fine..?" (Y/n) greeted back more as a question while looking at Akaashi. Seeing his expression, she could tell that this wasn't his idea at all.

"Well, um.. What are you guys doing here?" (Y/n) asked the group. "We heard you were having a movie night with Akaashi! And we wanted to join!" Bokuto excitedly explained. "Actually, it was Bokuto who wanted to join. He just invited the rest of us." Kaori added. (Y/n) sweatdropped. She wanted to tell the captain that it was supposed to be a date night with Akaashi and Akaashi only, but she didn't want to upset him. She knows about his emo mode.

Feeling bad, she just invited all of them into her home. While the team was entering the house, (Y/n) and Akaashi stayed at the entrance. "..I'm sorry." he apologized. "Bokuto-san saw me texting you about tonight and telling him "no" would be more troublesome." he explained while referring to Bokuto's emo mode.

(Y/n) still wasn't mad at all, but she was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't get some alone time with her boyfriend, but at least he was going to stay over at her place for the night. "It's fine." she said before ruffling his hair. "Just be more careful next time, okay?" she joked before letting out a giggle. Akaashi smiled at how cute his girlfriend was and nodded.

When the Fukurodani team were settling down in the living room, (Y/n) went to the kitchen to prepare more snacks and drinks for them. Akaashi followed her into the kitchen to help her.

Ding Dong..

"Ah, I'll get it." (Y/n) said as she quickly cleaned and dried her hands and went to the door,

Ding Dong..


She opened the door only to get shocked again.

"Yo!" Kuroo greeted their manager with the Nekoma team with him. (Y/n) just stared at them. "...Why are you here?"

"Don't be rude, Manager-chan! We just wanted to join you two." Kuroo smirked. "Kuroo? Is that you?" a loud voice said from the living room. Kuroo was surprised by the voice. "Is that Bokuto?"

"Kuroo?" Bokuto was now at the front door. "Oh! It is you!"

The Nekoma team ended up joining the movie night as well.

Once again in the kitchen preparing the extra drinks, (Y/n) sighed. Akaashi looked at her with worry. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah.. Just sad that we couldn't spend some alone time." she smiled. "Guess tonight's team bonding night, huh?"

Akaashi gave a smile of his own. "..Yeah.."


Izumi: LiSA - Homura is making me cry but i cant stop listening to it. i really love him 😔

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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