Black Jackals (MSBY x reader)

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"(Y/n), are you sure about this?" Sakusa asked his high school manager as they stood right outside MSBY's gym.

Itachiyama had a short reunion with its volleyball members recently and Sakusa talked about his new team, thanks to Iizuna and Komori who practically wouldn't stop bugging him to talk about it or something at least.

At one point in his story, he mentioned that the team suggested having a manager to help them around, or more like to help their captain since he seemed to be the one to clean up the players' mess every time like a father would to his children.

"Oh? What if I sign up to be your manager?" (Y/n) suggested as a joke and Sakusa's head whipped towards her direction. "Are you sure you want to?" he asked with uncertainty and the female nodded, going with it since she was currently unemployed and wouldn't mind getting another job. She doesn't mind going back to becoming a volleyball team's manager.

(Y/n) was in fact a great manager for Itachiyama when she was still a high schooler. From warding off the interviewers when they need to rush somewhere, to finding Sakusa hiding from everyone, to taking care of the team, to even provide the Ace with the necessities he needed to be hygienic, Itachiyama would say they were blessed to have her with them for the 3 years she was there.

But now, 6 years later, she was about to be the manager once again for Sakusa's new volleyball team. "Do you really not trust me enough to be your manager again?" (Y/n) joked to the male as a response, but he shook his head. "Not that I don't trust you.. It's just that.." he stopped mid-sentence.

" "just that"?" (Y/n) repeated. "It's just that things can get out of hand easily.."

(Y/n) did not really understand what that meant, but she will see it soon.


"Oh! Omi-kun! Who did you bring with you?"

"Oh! Hello! Are you Omi-san's girlfriend??"

"Omi-Omi who's that?!"


"Ah, I see what you mean." (Y/n) sweatdropped when MSBY's captain, Meian Shugo, scolded them for being noisy. The two stood there awkwardly with the rest of the team while waiting for the scolding to finish. From their perspective, it seemed like a father scolding his 3 children.


"Everyone, please welcome our new manager, (L/n) (Y/n)." MSBY's coach, Samson Foster, introduced the (h/c-ette) female with their captain beside her. "Nice to meet everyone!" she bowed slightly before standing back up straight.

"Anyone has questions for (L/n) before she starts her first day?" right after that question, Hinata raised his hand. "(L/n)-san! Are you Sakusa-san's girlfriend?" "No." (Y/n)'s quick answer didn't mean to sound rude, but she was tired of hearing that question ever since she became the manager in high school. "I was the manager for Itachiyama when I was in high school, and Sakusa and I became good friends then."

With no other questions left to answer, the players started their training while Meian showed (Y/n) around the facilities and told her what to do and where to get the items needed.

If not going through her tasks, Hinata would try to strike up a conversation with her about anything he could think of. He would also not hesitate to help even if she didn't need it.

"(Y/n)-san! I'll help you with that!"

Bokuto would occasionally join the conversation with Hinata, if not for wanting to start his own conversation by bouncing towards her and talk about anything he could think of. Whenever he gets into one of those emo moods, (Y/n) would be the first person he would turn to since he feels comfort from her

"(Y/n)!" <like "AKaaasshi!">

Atsumu would try to talk to her, talk to her in general because Sakusa would pull her away whenever he sees the blonde walk towards her direction. He has been around Atsumu long enough to think that (Y/n) should not be around him. But of course he won't always be there to "protect" her.

"Hey, (Y/n)! Wait, Omi-Omi!"

Nothing bad actually happened between the two when they managed to converse without interruption. He generally wants to know her better and make her feel comfortable around the team.

Sakusa treats her normally as if they were back in high school, which means that if he needs an extra mask or hand sanitizer, or anything clean in general, he would approach her for it.

"Do you have- oh, thanks."


"So, (Y/n), how is it working as MSBY's manager for a month? Everything good? The players treating you well?" Coach Samson was asking the (h/c) haired manager as they were spectating a practice match that was ongoing.

"Everything's fine. Everyone's nice, although mostly chaotic, but every training day is at least a fun and interesting one." Samson chuckled at the side comment.

"Well, (Y/n)," he turned towards her with a big proud smile, "welcome to team."


Izumi: meian shugo is my love

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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