When Reader is Stressed (Inarizaki x reader)

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Izumi: I vented at the end again lol

* btw I've been imagining them doing school work on the floor, on the short table (Chabudai)

** no gender is used here


When reader is stressed/frustrated from their school work: INARIZAKI edition

@ the character's home, doing school work together




- he knows what to do

- I am pretty sure

- he has taken care of atsumu before, so taking care of you should be a breeze

- assuming you're not as chaotic as atsumu 👀

- Kita senses your distress as you were doing your work. He was doing fine, but you were a different situation.

- "(Y/n)."


"You should take a break."

"But I nee-"

You cut off your sentence because you know you can't defy Kita's words. So you just arrange your items on the table neatly and moved away from the table.

- Kita would still prepare some tea/food for you

- when you have had your break, he will teach you on the things that you had trouble with




- He may have an intimidating face and presence, but he is quite the softy to you

- he saw that you were struggling a lot on your work

"(Y/n), are you okay?"


- He would push your work away and pull you into his arms and you just accept it because you have honestly given up on your work.

- He would also just pat your head/run his fingers through your hair/rub your sides as you make yourself comfortable in his lap

"Do you want me to teach you?"

"Yes please.."

"Why didn't you say so?"

"I didn't want to seem annoying to you.."

"That won't stop me from loving you though."




- will not hesitate to beat some sense into you (figuratively and/or physically)

- if you refuse to move away from your work, he will carry/drag you away

- e.g. You were clearly stressing out over the homework given by the teacher today that was due tomorrow. Your hair was a mess from all the ruffling. Aran noticed your distress.

- "(Y/n)... maybe you should take a short break."

"But I need to finish this first!"

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