Stupid Crush (Tsukishima x reader)

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Requested By [& PLOT CREDITED TO] : aizawa_amara

Izumi: whenever a chapter is requested, it is most likely NOT my original idea. i ALWAYS ask the requester what plot they would like and i just go with that. if they dont have an idea, then i will write whatever i can think of.



F L A S H B A C K - middle school

"T-Tsukishima-san!" a girl called out from behind the trio who turned towards her. The girl had her friends standing behind her, silently cheering for her.

"I-I got this for you!" she walked towards the group, mainly the blonde. She had a small box in her hands that was nicely wrapped with a ribbon on top.

Tsukishima held out his hand as he accepted the gift. "Thanks..." he boredly thanked the girl who immediately ran back to her friends and squealed with them.

The trio just continued walking out of school. "So, what did you get this time, Tsukki?" (Y/n) asked as she opened her shoe locker to retrieve her outdoor shoes while referring to the gift he just got.

"I don-" Tsukishima cut himself off when he opened his shoe locker. "What's wrong, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked. Tsukishima reached into his shoe locker and took out a letter. "To: Tsukishima-kun ♥" it said on the front.

"A love letter?" Yamaguchi asked. "Tsk." Tsukishima clucked as he stuffed the letter into his bag. "Let's just go home." Tsukishima said before walking out of the school without waiting for his friends.

Yamaguchi and (Y/n) looked at each other with confusion.

Thankfully, even with all the girls around him, Tsukishima instead focused on his friends.

As the years passed, Tsukishima had more and more girls fawning over him. But they weren't the only ones who developed feelings for the blonde..

E N D / O F / F L A S H B A C K

"Tsukki! Yama! Wait for me!" (Y/n) called out as she ran after the two. "You guys are mean for not waiting.." she pouted as she walked between the two of them. "Sorry, (Y/n)." Yamaguchi apologized. "I'm not." Tsukishima stated with a smirk and that earned him a smack on the shoulder as he laughed it off.

This was normal.

As the trio walked down the hallway, a girl they didn't recognize stood in front of them, causing them to stop in their tracks. "Tsukishima-kun." she said. "Yes?" Tsukishima responded unamusingly.

The girl took a couple of steps forward and held out a paper bag to them, more specifically Tsukishima. "I got this for you~" she said as she began to drag her hand down his arm slowly from the shoulder to his hand, which he instantly pulled back from.

"...Thanks." Tsukishima said before continuing walking down the hallway. (Y/n) and Yamaguchi looked at the girl, who was just staring at the blonde's figure, before jogging after their friend.

==N E X T / D A Y==

Currently, it was lunch and the trio were eating lunch together in their classroom. They were enjoying their conversation (mostly (Y/n) and Yamaguchi were talking), when the same girl from the day before walked up to them.

"Good morning, Tsukishima-kun~" she said as she had her hands behind her back, trying to look cute and innocent as she purposely pushed her chest out. Meanwhile, Tsukishima didn't even bother to glance up from his food. He was hoping for the girl to just leave. But instead, she walked around the table and stood next to him.

"Tsukishima-kun~ Pay attention to me~!" she whined "cutely" as she leaned slightly on the male.

"..." Tsukishima still refused to respond to her.

"Hmph." the girl huffed before walking away from the group.

(Y/n) looked at the girl. 'Why didn't he accept the confession though? She's so pretty...' she thought as she remembered the love letter that was also in the paper bag Tsukishima received yesterday.


This would go on for days. The girl would try to get Tsukishima's attention, from greeting in the morning, to flirting, or even borderline seducing him, but Tsukishima would not even flinch at her actions. He would actually become more cold towards her than to anyone else.

At the same time, (Y/n) started to question her own crush on the blonde. She unconsciously started to compare herself to the girl and felt that maybe she shouldn't try to tell him her feelings, ever. She felt that she probably wasn't good enough to be his girlfriend and that the other girl would be better for him.

Normally, during the girl's flirting, (Y/n) would not bother glancing at her, hoping the girl would just give up on getting Tsukishima's attention and just go away too. But today, something in her snapped.

"Um, can you stop?" (Y/n) said as she stared unamusingly at the girl. The girl was disturbing them during lunch again. "Huh. Stop what?" the girl's tone switched from an innocent and cutesy tone to a cold and annoyed one. "Stop disturbing Tsukki. Stop disturbing us." (Y/n) said.

"Huh? Why? Are you annoyed I'm trying to steal your boyfriend?" the girl taunted. "H-Huh??" (Y/n) was caught off guard by the statement as her face became red.

"Oh? Do you actually like him?" the girl continued taunting, this time with a smirk. "N-No!" the (h/c)-ette stuttered. The girl smirked. "Oh~? You do!"

(Y/n)'s blush got darker. "So you do like him!" she looked towards her friends to know their reaction and she saw them looking back at her with surprised looks.

She ended up getting embarrassed, having her childhood friends know about her crush on one of them. She couldn't handle the attention, so she got up from her seat and ran out of the classroom, crying. She didn't have a plan on what to do or where to go, but she just wanted to get away from that situation.


(Y/n) found herself hiding on the rooftop. She was sitting in a corner where it's not that obvious for others so see. She had her knees pulled towards her chest and her arms wrapped about them. Her crying had went down to sniffles.

She spent the time hiding thinking about how Tsukishima would react to the situation. 'Would he still be friends with me? Would he avoid me? How would he react?'

(Y/n) then heard the door to the rooftop door open. She got shocked and held her breath in so that no one would notice her presence. But apparently that didn't work.

"Yo." She looked up to see a familiar face. 

Tsukishima sat down beside (Y/n) with the little space available. "So why'd you run away?" he asked when a few seconds of silence went by.

"..." (Y/n) was hesitant. "I got embarrassed.." she muttered. "Why?"

"Because it's just a stupid crush that will get my heart broken, haha.." she tried to laugh at the end to lighten up the situation. Tsukishima just stayed silent. "It's fine if you reject me. I understand. I don't think I'd be good for you anyways.."

"Huh? What do you mean?" he said as he looked at his friend. "Your stupid crush likes you back, stupid."

For the second time of the day, (Y/n)'s face flushed.


Izumi: huh

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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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