Comforting Reader (Shiratorizawa)

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Izumi: i almost cried while going to sleep because i got sad over a past incident


SCENARIO: (Y/n) is upset at night, and [character] decides to comfort them

(Y/n) is gender-neutral (so inform me if i accidentally use a he/him or she/her pronoun ty)

in most scenarios you are living together. and not all relationships are romantic, it can be platonic too.


- "Hm?" Ushijima woke up from the sudden force into his side in the middle of the night.

- he looked down to see (y/n) burying themselves into his side

- he called your name but all that came out of you was a bunch of mumbled gibberish

- you couldnt sleep because of one (1) thought and decided your only form of comfort is

- so you just got comfortable in between his arm and body while he just lies there like 🧍‍♂️

- doesnt really have a clue on whats going on but accepts it anyway


- just like Ushijima's scenario, (y/n) would bury themselves into Reon's side and he would wake up from it

- "(Y/n)? What is it?" he decided to ask but (Y/n) replied with a muffled groan

- doesnt question it and just goes back to sleep

- not before wrapping his arm around your body just to bring your closer and make yourself more comfortable

- maybe a couple of pats too


- he woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that you were still awake

- he turned on his side to look at you and asked:

"What's wrong, (n/n)?"

- whether you answered him or not, he'd end up understanding your situation

- caresses your head/side/back to make you feel more comfortable and go to sleep


- not gonna lie, he was probably watching anime on the bed late at night when he heard you moving on the bed

- he thought you were just moving in your sleep so all he did was glance over and looked back at the anime

- "AH-!" he got shocked by the hand that touched his back. "Oh, (Y/n), it's you. What's up?" he acted as if nothing had happened

- he wouldn't mind if you joined him in watching anime or if you wanted to talk to him.

- he'd be there for you at any time is what im saying


- since hes studying about medicine in university, he might know better about comforting someone, or something along those lines

- or in general, judging from his personality, he seems smart

- but not experienced

- so he does an actual textbook answer step-by-step process on comforting someone

- step 1 - witness their feelings

- step 2 - he immediately stops there and just went with his instincts to comfort you


- not gonna lie, you didn't expect him to wake up at all. this man can probably sleep through an entire party and wake up fresh

- but for some reason he decided to wake up when you flopped yourself onto him

- doesnt even question anything so he just lets you do whatever you want tbh

- being half awake, he would lazily wrap his arm around you, pat you a couple times, before going back to sleep


- "HWA-huh?" Goshiki woke up with a fright when he felt something digging into his back.

"Ah, did I wake you, Tsutomu?" oh it's just you

- he calmed down and tried to go back to sleep. He didn't question it until he felt his back wet, but the night wasn't even that warm?

- he turned around and, under the dim moonlight, he saw you wipe your eyes

- turned back to on the lamp on his nightstand and looked back at you to see dried tears on your face and your nose red

- "(Y-Y/n)? Are you okay?"


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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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