Passion (Hirugami x reader)

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Requested By: EzraPearl

Izumi: honestly this was hard to write about. So its bad. Im sorry.

!! WARNING: slight manga spoilers



"Sachiro, it'll be fine. I'm here for you." (Y/n) reassured her boyfriend.

(Y/n) got invited for dinner by Hirugami's family and she just got picked up by her boyfriend from her house. They were currently standing outside of the front door, mentally preparing themselves.

They were currently in their third year of high school. Hirugami has thought of what he wanted to do in the future, and it doesn't have to do anything with volleyball. He wanted to be a veterinarian in the future.

He planned to break the news to his family. He knew his parents would be fine with his choice, but he was afraid of how his sibling would react. He had vented out his worry to (Y/n), who reassured him that she would be there for him whenever he was ready to tell them.

"I..I'm worried. What if they really want me to pursue volleyball like them? What if they're against it? What if they won't allow me to go?" Hirugami, once again, brought up the subject of his worry.

"Listen, Sachiro." (Y/n) started, "If you know your parents don't mind your decision, why are you caring about siblings' opinion? And if your parents have a strong opinion about it, aren't you supposed to follow your dreams? I mean unless your dream is something illegal but that's a different topic." she added the last statement under her breath but clear enough for Hirugami to hear. He let out a small laugh at his girlfriend's thinking.

He gently patted her head. "Yeah, you're right. Follow my dreams."


"(Y/n)-chan! Nice to see you again!" Hirugami's mom greeted her when the couple just entered the home. "Ms Hirugami! Nice to see you too!" (Y/n) greeted back when she was pulled into a hug by the woman.

"Oh, you look so (pretty/cute)! Sachi is so lucky to have you." Ms Hirugami complimented (Y/n).

"Yep, I am.." Hirugami muttered.

(Y/n) blushed. "T-Thank you.."

"Come in! Come in! Get yourself comfortable. Dinner will be ready soon." Ms Hirugami said as she gently pushed (Y/n) to the dining room after she had taken off her footwear.

"Ah! I can help you." (Y/n) volunteered but her offer was immediately turned down. "Nonsense! You're a guest!" Ms Hirugami scolded. "Sachi! Help me!"



(Y/n) could see how Hirugami was tense and stiff during dinner. He was planning to break the news, but didn't know when and how, until someone brought up the topic about their future.

"So, (Y/n)-chan. What are you planning to do after high school?" Hirugami's sister, Hirugami Shoko, asked. "Ah, I'm planning to go to (destination) to do (activity)."

"Wahh, that's expected of you, (L/n)." Hirugami's brother, Hirugami Fukuro, commented. "What about you, Sachiro? Have you found a volleyball team you want to join?"

At that question, Hirugami tensed up even more as he paused eating. "Sachiro?" Fukuro called when he noticed the lack of response. Hirugami stayed silent as he couldn't get the words out.

"Sa-" "He's planning to go to a Veterinary school at (destination) too." Hirugami's eyes widened in shock as his head whipped to look at his girlfriend calmly eating the dinner.


Hirugami whipped his head back to his siblings who were as equally shocked, but for a different reason. "U-Um.."

"Oh, that's great, Sachi!" Hirugami's mother cheered. "You love animals a lot, right? That's perfect for you!"

"You're not going to continue volleyball?"

Their attention then went back to the older siblings. "N-No.." Hirugami stuttered.

"..." They were silent. "Are you sure you don't want to continue volleyball? You worked so hard on it since middle school. You sure you want to give it all up?"

Hirugami began to question his choices. He wanted to follow his passion, but he didn't want to disappoint his family by giving up on volleyball.

"Let him follow his dreams."

Once again, (Y/n) surprised him. "If he wants to be a vet, then let him be."

"But the school is so fa-" "He can move in with me." (Y/n) said calmly. She was determined to make Hirugami be able to pursue his passion. She was determined to make Hirugami

"..." the siblings were silent. "Oh come on, Fukuro, Shoko!" the mother said. "Let him do what he wants!"

"...sigh Fine." Fukuro sighed. "But you better come back once in a while to play volleyball with us!"

Hirugami got excited.

"And watch our matches too!" Shoko added.

Hirugami nodded enthusiastically as he was happy that he would be able to go to veterinary school without feeling bad.

"We will."


Izumi: ok so like whats with the sudden influx of hirugami x readers 😤 i loved him first suckers

Jk pls dont come for me-

Follow my instagram for anime shiz! : _.mizu.izu._

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed it, apologies for the mistakes and please do point them out. Please vote if you enjoyed it, it encourages me to publish more.

※ will update when free/not lazy/bored/when I have ideas ※

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